Monday, October 27, 2008
40 Days for Life
Friday, October 24, 2008
Pumpkin Time #2
Pumpkin Time
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Thank you!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I must chronicle my day yesterday with sweet innocent little princess Piper. So that when she is older and her kids do this stuff, she can look back and know that it's merely payback:)
Monday, October 20, 2008
40 Days for Life
Sunday, October 19, 2008
GO Panthers!!!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Election and Questions
Please vote! Our children's future depends on it!
Okay, I am crazy blogger this week! There is so much going on.
Anyway, This email below came to me from the American Family Association. It gives a great explanation about why I have felt it is important to blog about the election and increase awareness.
October 15, 2008
Dear Lindsay,
In my 70 years, I have never seen an election where coverage was so one-sided and biased or where censorship by the liberal media was so widely practiced and where media coverage was so slanted as I have seen in this election process. Their plan is working. The only chance conservatives have is to make sure they care enough to vote.
If the liberals win the upcoming election, America as we have known it will no longer exist.This country that we love, founded on Judeo-Christian values, will cease to exist and will be replaced by a secular state hostile to Christianity. This “city set on a hill” which our forefathers founded, will go dark. The damage will be deep and long lasting. It cannot be turned around in the next election, or the one after that, or by any election in the future. The damage will be permanent. That is why it is so important for you to vote and to encourage friends and family to vote. This is one election where your vote really counts.
But again, I know and trust that we are in God's hands. He never promises that this life is easy and this seems to be one of those times where we will be tested. We don't know the outcome yet, of course, but we are being tested even now in the waiting.
SO I have a question for all of you? Help me out here. You have probably heard this too....Many people think we should vote for a third party versus voting for the "lesser of the two evils" as they call it. They feel that we will stand before God to give account (and I agree) and they don't think voting for Obama or McCain is for God's glory. What do you think about that? And what about the fact that it's highly unlikely that a 3rd party will win, so you could be giving votes away?
I would love for you to weigh in on this. We're all friends here:) So send in your thoughts.
There were lots of reports for Oct 16th. Note the several saves!
First of all, thank you to Bishop Jugis for coming to pray at the vigil today, along with people from the Pastoral Center, including Catholic Social Services; and also St. Michael's parish in Gastonia. Thank you to all of the other individuals and families that showed up today!
Katherine Hearn reported the following:
I think I mentioned to you that on Wed. evening Kristen Giesler, Tim Brennan and I were out at Latrobe about 6:00 pm. A car drove up and parked in the "new" lot. They sat there for several minutes. We all headed down toward that direction. As they pulled out of the lot, they talked with us. Kristen had made some of the baby fetal models up with resource information. She gave her one. We all talked to the young Mom, Yemaleth, and her mother, Silvia. Yemaleth thought she was 4 months pregnant.
Kathy Humann, a first timer, sent the following report:
Praise God! We were able to witness two, possibly three(?) saves in the 2 1/2 hours that we were there today! First, one car drove by twice, then waved to us and drove away without pulling into the parking lot. Secondly, another man and woman went in and quickly came back out. The young girl looked over at us and shouted, "I'm leaving!" Lastly, a couple that went in, were in there for a while, then came back out right before the abortionist arrived (at approx. 11 a.m.) -- not sure if that was actually a "save", because they did not stop to let us give them information, they just left rather abruptly. It was a rather busy day at the clinic.
We arrived shortly after 10:00 a.m. to find Chris and an older couple praying the Rosary, so there were six of us until 12:00 noon. Chris and the older couple left, so we stayed until reinforcements came, as we felt guilty leaving no one there. Then three ladies from St. Michael's in Gastonia arrived around 12:30-ish. One woman had her two children with her -- a baby and a toddler. My friend, Angela, had brought her beautiful seven-month-old with her, too. What a visual to those arriving to murder their babies!
As it was my first time, it was rather draining emotionally. . . We would like to go back again next week, however, as we see what an important mission this is. I hope and pray that more Catholics will come out and support this very worthy cause.
Kathy, thank you for wanting to return. God is surely working in your heart!
Another report came in also:
Lastly, please pray extra prayers for this particular abortionist and let us unite all of our prayers for his conversion.
This was truly an amazing day! We give it to you God, for Your Glory!
May God Bless You,
Andrea Hines
on behalf of the Charlotte Leadership Team
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Election Stuff
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Next 3 days...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
40 Days for Life
Happy Birthday Reilly
Monday, October 13, 2008
Our Economic Crisis
Here is the update:)
Jordan and Jessie met with the neurologist this morning for 2 hours! I forgot to get the Dr’s names so I am going to use “N” for neurologist. I will get them soon so we can pray for them specifically.
Anyway, Jordan has a precancerous glioma. It is not malignant!! It will become malignant if not treated. It is in the motor center of his brain from what I understand. So complications like his left leg going numb are possibilities. But hopefully they will be minimized with treatment. There is also a “root” (part of the tumor) close to his left eye. This could make him go blind in that eye if not treated.
The tumor is spread throughout his brain, a little more than they first thought. And it is growing, but slowly.
He will have some test results Wednesday. There is a new test that they can do to see how well you will respond to radiation (praise the Lord). If you DO NOT have the 1st and 19th chromosomes, then you are more likely to respond to the radiation. If you DO have the choromosomes, then aren’t as likely to respond well, but they will still try it. They would probably add chemo to it as well if he has the chromosomes.
There are lots of Dr appointments coming up and lots of consults with numerous Doctors so that Jordan can get the best care. The “N” is going to share Jordan’s case with a board of doctors so he can get input. There are doctors all over the country that can be helpful here. What a blessing!! To top it off, the “N” said there are several excellent doctors right here at Carolina’s Medical Center. Praise the Lord again!
If you are wondering about surgery, the “N” said that surgery would not get all of the tumor so he doesn’t recommend it. Not worth the risk.
Tomorrow Jordan has an oncology visit. I will update when we hear more about that.
The “N” said Jordan could work out again. You guys know how important this is to them:)
So, how can you pray?
That Jordan does not have the chormosomes.
Wisdom for all the doctors who are going to care for Jordan
For Jordan and Jessie’s marriage. That God would strengthen them as they help each other through this.
For the oncology visit tomorrow.
For all the family who are traveling to see Jordan and Jessie. And for their time with each and every family member to be fruitful and encouraging.
That the side effects for treatment will be minimal
That the tumor is cured due to the treatment
That God gives Jordan strength and grace to handle all that is going on
For Jessie especially- that God gives her peace and grace, and help as she cares for Jordan
For Pam and Sue and Bill and Dave as they watch their children go through this. That they can place them in God’s hands and trust their Savior to care for them.
For wisdom as Jordan and Jessie do research on the different options for care.
Most of all- that God is glorified!!!!
Our family can’t thank you all enough for the way you love and care for us. Wow just being on your knees before the Lord has given us so much hope. Look at how God has provided already. There are so many praises even today. We are so very appreciative for you!