After the service, several of the people who were there walked a few blocks over to where Planned Parenthood was holding a luncheon to celebrate all the babies they have murdered. Did you hear me, they were celebrating! Disgusting!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
We are still alive!
After the service, several of the people who were there walked a few blocks over to where Planned Parenthood was holding a luncheon to celebrate all the babies they have murdered. Did you hear me, they were celebrating! Disgusting!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Roe vs. Wade
Local pastors, business leaders, crisis pregnancy center directors, and Christians will join Operation Save America for a press conference and a Memorial Service, mourning 36 years of unabated child-killing. Their purpose: to end child-killing in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina, by bringing the theology of the church house into the streets – right to the doors of the three local abortion mills in this city!
It has been 36 years since that day of infamy on January 22, 1973, when our Supreme Court unleashed the floodgates of hell and murder upon this nation. For 36 years the Church of Jesus Christ has sat silently by and tolerated a lie that is destroying our nation. We have said, “Abortion is wrong, but it is not my calling.” Today, over 50 million children are dead. NO MORE!
NO MORE, will we sit passively by while little children die. NO MORE, will we wait for the President, the Congress, the Supreme Court, or the Republican Party to save the lives of unborn children. NO MORE, will we peacefully coexist with child-killing in our city! WE ARE AT WAR!
“Abortion will come to an end in Charlotte, when the Church of Jesus Christ makes up her mind it will come to an end – not one second sooner,” said Rev Flip Benham, National Director of Operation Save America. “The responsibility for ending abortion in the city of Charlotte and in America rests squarely upon the shoulders of the Church of Jesus Christ.”
What: Memorial Service
Where: Corner of Trade and Tryon in downtown Charlotte
When: Thursday morning, January 22, 2009
Time: 11:30 AM
Contact: Flip Benham 980-722-4920
I plan to be there today, listening and interceding for the unborn. Please be on your knees as well. Flip is right, until the Christians stand up, abortion will not end!!
And please know that our new president is intent on expanding the rights of those seeking abortions, expanding the services and making it easier to get them....
On the eve of tomorrow's 36th anniversary of the Roe
v. Wade Supreme Court decision that imposed abortion
on all 50 states, news is breaking on how the new
presidential administration's attack on innocent
human life is about to begin.
As a first payback to the abortion industry that
helped get him elected, President Obama is reportedly
preparing to issue an executive order TOMORROW to
strike down the "Mexico City policy" -- a lifesaving
measure that currently prohibits U.S. taxpayer
dollars from funding international abortion groups.
See the CNN story at:
And the abortion industry has mapped out marching
orders for Obama to radically expand abortion during
his first 100 days in office -- at a cost of $4.6
BILLION to American taxpayers.
Read the abortion plans:
As 1 Timothy 2 exhorts us, we must pray for our new
American president.
And, in the midst of these challenges, we remember
the words of Isaiah 9:2... "The people walking in
darkness have seen a great light; on those living in
the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned."
This latter part was taken from the 40 days for Life campaign.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
What a Day!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Dirty Water
Baby Levi
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Move Baby Move
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Difficult Work of Waiting
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Dinner and 2 months
Christmas Eve
Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy 10th Anniversary