In July, Jeremy and I went to the Dominican Republic! We have been planning a trip with our friends, Matt and Tracie for literally years. And we finally took it! We wanted to go to Hawaii so we've all been saving but we just decided to do something much smaller with the economy and such. And thanks to all of Jeremy's travels, we had Marriott Points to do it! We asked around and it turned out that the DR was a favorite for many of our friends. So off we went to the Paradisus Resort and Spa. Ahhhhh
This is one of the pools. We only sat here for a few hours the first day. After our first massage:)
At night, there were shows and stuff up at the main lobby so we would go up there to hang out. They had these things to lounge in. It was so comfy. Well, at least Tracie and I thought so. There was one problem with the place...NO air condition, anywhere except the rooms. It was HOT. So many nights we ended up going back to our rooms after a while and hanging out there because the guys were just too hot.

These are out of order, but one day they did Beach Olympics. It was hilarious.
The Lucases played too. But I promised not to put them on here in their baby soups:)
We all went snorkeling together one day. Jeremy decided to go back again the next by himself. He ended up getting to go see where they take people to swim with the dolphins and sting rays too. He said it was really neat:)
We actually beat the guys in cards several nights. This my friends. IS.RARE.
Our last pic before we left. We woke up early and went out on the beach for the last few hours. Oh it was such a wonderful week. It made me see how important it it to get away and recharge with your spouse regularly. Of course, not on a big trip necessarily, but on any trip. Jeremy and I haven't been away together but one other time since our honeymoon. It was way past time.