Happy Monday everyone! Tomorrow the Gibson girls are heading to the beach. We will be back next Sunday. Daddy is joining us next weekend. Supposed to be beautiful weather! But when I get back we are going to do a little series here on our blog about anger. I have been thinking about it all weekend and I had a conversation with a friend the other day and she commented that noone ever talks about a mom's anger in relation to small children. Well friend, that's not going to be the case anymore! I studied anger last year for my "one thing" so I am going to dig out my journal and share with you all what God has taught me. I am VERY far from over dealing with this sin but maybe you can be encouraged by what the Lord has been so kind to show me so far. SO email me your comments and anything you really want to talk about. You can email me privately if you want. I would appreciate your prayers as I look back over my journal and prepare to share with all of you. That I would be grateful for how the Lord is changing me and not condemned by how much further I have to go. And that what is shared will really serve you all:) So much of what I have learned you all have taught me, and I am soooo very thankful. I will leave you with this verse... Colossians 3:17 "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." This one really urges me to consider all my words and actions carefully, to examine if they are God honoring. When I am training Gracie and Piper am I doing it in a way that honors the Lord, or is it in anger? Would He be pleased with my attitude and tone of voice? Much of the time the answer is no. But I know God is faithful and He is going to help me change.
Love to all of you!
Awwww Lindsay...you go girl!!! I can tell you story upon story about anger....most of it never evident until I had Chelsey. There were some REALLY ugly moments... which Chelsey can testify about as well! Maybe I'll send you some examples, but know this God's grace is amazing, encouraging and always present and active. I am so grateful for all that I've learned through these years. Thanks for stepping up and being willing to talk about openly and honestly areas of our lives that we need to open up more often -- our sin. It is the on of God's means of grace to one another to be able to share! Looking forward to all you have to say!
Can't wait to read what God has shared with you next week!!! Thanks for your humility and desire to serve us in this way. Anger is such a big one for all of us - it is so easy to succumb to the countless ways it can tempt us and manifest itself! Hope you're having a great time at the beach!
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