As you can see, my girls love Yisa (Lisa)

I am supposed to be honoring someone who has invested in my life every week. Well, I am very behind! So today I want to honor my dear friend, Lisa:)
Lisa is my get-to-see-you-almost-everyday-and-love-it-kind-of-friend! Through God's kindness we live about 30 seconds apart. They moved over near us a year ago, almost exactly:) We have known each other for about six years now, and four of those years we have known each other really well. We met at church in care group and began hanging out when we were both pregnant with our first little ones. I have so enjoyed our time together and being in the same season of life with Lisa. Jackson and Gracie are six months apart and so are Sydney and Piper.
Our kids are growing up together, which is a treasure to me. This morning Jackson told Lisa, "Mommy I am so glad Gracie lives so close.. it would be really sad if God had her move." We agree Jackson! My girls love Lisa and are so excited to see her when she comes in the door. Sometimes she gets more kisses from them than I do.
We share alot of the same passions-shopping, french fries, ice cream, eating out. Oh and of course we both love our Lord and Savior which is what makes our friendship sooooo sweet. We have been meeting for accountability for about three years now, along with another dear friend. Lisa is so great at listening to my struggles and encouraging me and pointing me to the Lord for my strength. And most of all I am so grateful that she prays for me so faithfully! And if that wasn't enough, she is very quick to ask me about things I have shared to check up and see how I am doing and if I have followed through with how I am supposed to be responding to things.
Lisa, Danny, Jackson, and Syndey are really like family to us. We hang out ALOT. Thank you for putting up with me! When we are together we always seem to have so much fun. Whether we are playing the Wii, cards, or just talking about what God is doing in our lives the fellowship comes naturally. Danny and Jeremy joke about us needing a date night! Funny, we think that's a great idea;)
My friend is also very humble. She is open to input and desires to grow in her walk with the Lord and in the way she serves her husband and children. When circumstances are difficult for her at home I rarely hear her complain. She is quick to point to the good that is going on and how God is meeting her needs. Keep it up!
She is also such a servant to me. Lisa is constantly offering to watch my kids for Drs appts or when I have migraines. I know she is just a phone call away. Thank you for that friend!
Well there is so much more I could say about my dear Lisa but I will close with this verse...."I therefore..urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one spirit-just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call-one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift." Eph 4: 1-7
Lisa thank you for living these verses. For walking with me in love. You are a gift of grace to me!
Love you!!!!
Awww, that's so sweet! :) What a lovely testament for true friendship and love, Lisa (I know you're lurking! :)) What a great example!
So sweet Lindsay! I miss Lisa's sweet friendship and gentle heart!
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