At first when I felt it on Saturday I thought I was crazy. "I'm only ten weeks." But I felt it yesterday and just now too:)
Oh it's the best feeling in the whole world:)
***Update- From the comments...don't mind Michelle, she is a little crazy. And if there is two, she will have her fifth child.
And for Marge, I know it does seem quite early and I thought the same thing but a friend who is pregnant with me felt it this early. I thought she was crazy (sorry Lisa, I do believe you and I love you:)) and since I was a labor/OB High Risk/Postpartum nurse I've been around tons of pregnant ladies. And I had an ultrasound at six weeks that showed ONE baby (that was for Michelle although she still doesn't believe me) and it measured six weeks old . They are pretty accurate at that gestation. So I don't know:) I waited until I felt it several times to make sure. It's a feeling like no other! Amazing! But also Marge, I had to have an early ultrasound with Piper for dates and she did end up coming 10 days earlier than they said. So maybe you're right. That would be a bonus! And does that mean the sickness will end sooner?:) Ooohhh, I hope you're right!
That's so neat, Lindsay! It IS early to be feeling movement. Maybe you're farther along than you thought?
No way!! Wow... I'm still unconvinced you don't have 2 in there... don't you think you might could feel 2 wrestling around in there at 10 weeks?? How great and reassuring - what a sweet gift from God in the midst of everything else you're experiencing!!!!
That was my favorite part of being pregnant! It is soooo amazing to feel a little hand or foot as it pokes on your belly :). I can't wait to meet this precious little one!!
I know it's early, but the baby IS moving and you're a thin woman, so I think it's entirely within the realm of possibility to be feeling it. Once you know what it feels like, after your first, I think it probably is much easier to discern. That is so cool!
Denise has a good point... you have much less tummy fat for your baby to get through than I would have! I will be a good friend and move from saying you should expect double the trouble and just say you are so slim, trim & fit you can feel a (just one) 10 week old baby moving. Much nicer, huh? :) How awesome!
It's okay Michelle, Jeremy still tells people there are three in there! Is he nuts? And I let him live. Hmmm.
I felt Kiley move, kinda butterfly flutters, really early...about 10-12 weeks. I wasn't sure what it was until it kept happening over and over. I didn't think you could feel the baby move that early either. Kiley was a mover in there...she moved and kicked all the time, so watch out! lol
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