Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Lots of Random stuff
40 DAYS for Life is back!!!
for Life campaign getting under way today is going to
be HUGE!!
Here is some of the early feedback I've received...
"I will be at the vigil site every Tuesday from 8:30
to 12:30 as a team leader. I need your prayers. I
hardly know any one and I am not a good public
speaker. But I am saying YES! I am so on fire I can
hardly stand it!"
--Sarah, South Carolina
"We are truly gaining momentum on sign-ups for the
vigil at one of the most notorious abortion centers
in the Midwest. This is our first time doing this and
the effort, both local and nationally, has gripped
our hearts."
--Mike, Illinois
I've heard from people discerning what to do in light
of the 2008 elections. One of the key reasons for
optimism is found in 40 Days for Life: HOPE!
Hope is such an important part of our message! Who is
it that has abortions? People who have lost all hope.
Who has God called to bring real hope? In truth, God
has called YOU!
"After the November election, many of us involved in
pro-life were so discouraged and found the outcome
difficult to understand. I wanted to share a
scripture that has helped me..."
--Audra, Colorado
The passage Audra cited is 2 Corinthians 1:9-11:
"Why, we felt that we had received the sentence of
death; but that was to make us rely not on ourselves
but on God who raises the dead; he delivered us from
so deadly a peril, and he will deliver us; on him we
have set our hope that he will deliver us again. You
also must help us by prayer, so that many will give
thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us in
answer to many prayers."
Jennifer in Cherry Hill, New Jersey has seen that
hope firsthand. She told me the 40 Days for Life team
in Cherry Hill, New Jersey was well into preparations
for this campaign on January 22, the date of the
annual March for Life in Washington. As they were
unable to attend the event, they decided instead to
pray at the local abortion facility during the time
the marchers were gathering in Washington.
While they were praying, a couple stopped and talked
to them, but continued into the clinic. A half hour
later, the man came out to talk some more. He went
back in -- and then the couple left together.
"They decided to keep their baby," said Jennifer. "We
were so excited and felt it was a sign of hope and a
confirmation that we can stop abortion through
40 Days for Life."
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
15 weeks
Monday, February 16, 2009
It happened
What are we doing?
Jessica at Making Home,
a blog I love to read, posted this article this morning. Have you heard about this yet? You see, the sad thing is, this happens all the time. You just don't hear about it. Even the pro choicers are upset about this and rightfully so. But guess what?? Every other baby they kill is the exact same, it's just a little younger.....
Monday, February 16, 2009
Botched Abortions: Why They Matter & What They Tell Us
Just last week, Americans were horrified to learn that a baby born alive in an abortion clinic was promptly put into a trash bag and left to die in a dumpster. And rightly so. It's a horrible tragedy... but really, it's no more horrific than what is done to the other 3,500+ babies aborted every single day in our nation, or tens of thousands every day around the world. This baby just happened to breathebefore being murdered for money.
Please don't mistake my bluntness for being glib about it. It absolutely sickens me... it's numbing and I find myself almost unable to process when I really stop to think about how many children have died at the hands of abortionists.
After reading the horrible details (and they were ghastly), I did a simple google search for "botched abortions"... and pulled up a dozen or so stories, with varying results, for you to consider:
- Apr. 1985: Botched abortion leads to amputation
- Feb. 2000: During abortion procedure, woman goes into cardiac arrest and is permanently brain damaged.
- Apr. 2004: After "abortion" performed, baby still grows and is born months later.
- Jan. 2005: Abortion kills both mother and baby.
- May 2005: Abortion meds cause woman to go into labor, baby is born alive and clinic refuses to call 911. The baby subsequently died.
- Feb. 2006: After botched abortion, she was awake and screaming as they loaded her into the ambulance.
- Jun. 2006: Aborted baby was born with heart injuries as a result of an "unsuccessful"(depends on your definition of "success") abortion.
- Sept. 2006: After botched abortion, baby born with physical and mental disabilities.
- Jun. 2008: Mother delighted that her baby survived abortion.
- Cemetery of Choice: a record of dozens of women who died from abortions.
- Still alive today: A botched abortion survivor speaks out.

But it's the same action.
Both actions end the life of a human being. Botched abortions show us the potential for life, and they show us the truth.They hold up a mirror to the action of abortion itself and reveal the horror therein. From the stories above, several things are clear:
- It really is a baby-- a real, unique human being.
- It really is murder-- intention to kill a living thing.
- It really is horrific-- it's easier to see when we actually have a visible, breathing baby involved rather than something nebulous that we can write off as "tissue" or "inviable". (As others have noted.)
- Mothers really do have an instinct to protect their babies. Bird mothers will run down animals 50 times their size for trying to loot their nest... and abortion-minded human mothers (sadly) often only realize how much they want to protect their baby once the abortion has been botched or completed-- many times, even years later.
- Pregnant? Alone? Need someone to talk to?
- Alternatives to abortion
- Scriptures that are relevant to the issue of abortion
- What's it like to have an abortion?
Written by Jess at 2/16/2009 09:11:00 AM 0 comments Links to this post
Categories Birth Control and Abortion
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentine's Party #3
Friday, February 13, 2009
Red Envelopes
This is really good! Please do it! Just think of the impact.
My friend Kelly sent this to me...
Red Envelopes
Dear Friends and Intercessors: This afternoon I was praying about a number of things, and my mind began to wander. I was deeply distressed at the symbolic actions that President Obama took as he began his presidency. Namely, that he signed executive orders releasing funds to pay for abortions, permission to fund human stem cell research, and federal funding for contraception. I have been involved in the pro-life movement for nearly 20 years, and it pained my heart to see a man and a political party committed to the shedding of innocent blood. This man, and this party lead our country, but they do not represent me or the 54% of Americans who believe that abortion is wrong and should no longer be legal. As I was praying, I believe that God gave me an interesting idea. Out in the garage I have a box of red envelopes. Like the powerful image of the red LIFE tape, an empty red envelope will send a message to Barack Obama that there is moral outrage in this country over this issue. It will be quiet, but clear. Here is what I would like you to do: Get a red envelope. You can buy them at Kinkos, or at party supply stores. On the front, address it to President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. On the back, write the following message. This envelope represents one child who died in abortion. It is empty because that life was unable to offer anything to the world. Responsibility begins with conception. Put it in the mail, and send it. Then forward this email to every one of your friends who you think would send one too. I wish we could send 50 million red envelopes, one for every child who has already died by abortion or other intentional pre-birth destruction, before having a chance to live. Maybe it will change the heart of the president. Warmly in Christ, John Otto