Our trip to Gamma and Papa's was so much fun! The girls played and played.
Here they are working from their sand pit
Thank you Gamma and Papa for such a fun getaway. We are blessed!
When we were leaving Angier, I put juice in the girls sippy cups.
Gracie: "Mom, did you know that in Angier they put cheese in their orange juice?"
Me: "No Gracie, they don't put cheese in their OJ"
Gracie: "Yes they do Mom, I can taste it"
Me: I sat there for a minute and finally figured it out... "Oh honey, that's not cheese, it's pulp! Some people get OJ with pulp in it. That's real pieces of the orange."
Gracie: "Oh!"
Wow! 16 weeks pregnant....
Definitely feeling much better. I couldn't imagine the "all day sickness" just going away once I hit 12 weeks, but it actually did! God's grace! That was rough! The migraines are still coming but the one I had on Friday only lasted for about 10 hours!! Hooray!! I am totally convinced it's because of all of your prayers. So thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I have been really fatigued this second trimester, which is not normal for me. Usually it's the first one. So they tested my thyroid and it's pretty low. So I've started taking meds for that and I'm hoping it will get better soon. But no complaints out of me! I'll gladly take the fatigue over the other stuff.
I found another "must have" for my stain fighting collection.
A certain little girl left a whole pack of gum in her pocket. It ended up all in the washing machine and all over the clothes. I thought I had gotten it all, but opened the dryer to find more! So after scraping the sides of the dryer to get all the gum off, I had to figure out what to do with all the clothes. Goo-Gone!! Took it all out.
I am still having trouble with the pants that I didn't catch before they were dried, but I think it will come out.
You must add this to your stash! Super helpful for any sticky gummy mess. Not just for clothes.
How's that for random posting!
1 comment:
Look at you - soooooo cute!
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