Yesterday we had Piper's third birthday party! It was a Tinkerbell hoorah!

Tinker fairy land

Pipey's cake, she was super excited about that

Fairy wands

Christopher came to be a helper and he was an excellent one!! Thank you buddy!

How old are you Pipey?

All the fairies getting their wings and pixie dust


Decorating for spring. That's what tinker fairies do after all:)

Yes, Anthony has fairy wings on




Present time, always a favorite

Piper complete with pixie dust
Cake time

Mmm Mmm Good

Poor little Piper spent the morning in the urgent care before her party. She had a bad ear infection. But the party went on and she was a trooper!
What a fun theme. You did an awesome job on the cake. I will have to keep this one in mind for our littlest. Jess
Happy Birthday sweet Piper! Can't wait to hear Piper's version of her party on Wednesday. :)
Jeremy, I like when you say Buddy. Yes, you are in my memmory. Because i am in a very hard situation, I do not say much. I go to Church and still very involved with the ministry. NO too easy! I like your family's blog.
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