Last Wednesday was our final co-op day for the year. We ended with a carnival called the Oregon Trail Amazing Race since we studied American History this year. Each mom paired up with someone to set up a booth. The kids rotated through each booth where they played a game that involved their memory work from this year. Despite the fact that it was absolutely freezing cold, the kids had a ball.
I was part of the obstacle course so that is what most of the pictures are from...
Here is the obstacle course....the amazing race, oregon trail style...

There were several different obstacles in the course, and they all involved stops along the Oregon Trail, of course;) This is Windlass Hill-the kids had to climb up the slide. It was pretty funny watching them try to do this, they had a really hard time getting up it.

Here they are at the starting line getting instructions from Ms. Lucas, who by the way did an awesome job taking the reigns on the course.

They had to get their wagons around to Ft. Laramie...

Where they loaded up with supplies for their journey....

Then on to Council Bluffs to see if the Indians were going to let them pass....

Then to Devils Pass....

Before going up Windlass Hill which took them up to Independence Rock where they signed their names....

Then on to 3 Island Crossing where they had to build a bridge out of the leftover boards from their wagon....

Don't step in the water...

And the last stop was Apple Bobbing Oregon...
My favorite part:)
This is Anna Grace

And Will

This was the three-legged race station, one of Gracie's favorites

Here is Kiffer (as Piper calls him) getting his "apple"

This is another station where they were panning for gold, I think

And Pipes, doing what she loves...having her snack:)

What a fun day! It is so amazing what the kids can remember from what they learned this year!
what is the boy, will's, last name? are his parents geoff & laurie by chance??
Yes! It's Will Waston:) Do you know them? That's so funny, small world!
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