Each Christmas, my mom and dad's church does a live nativity scene. They've been doing it for 16 years! I was in it for the first four years as Mary. It's quite a powerful performance. There are angels that stay perfectly still for the whole performance, live animals, and of course the whole cast to make Jesus' story complete. The story is told through narration and song. It is beautiful.
Beforehand, the girls got to pet the animals
The lowly manger
The pony, well it was supposed to be a donkey, but there were some technical difficulties with the donkey

Gabriel talking to Joseph
Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus
On the last song- Hark the Herald Angels Sing

The girls wanted to go back tonight! I told them we'd go again next year. It took me a few hours to thaw last night:)
Glory to God in the Highest!
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