We did classical conversations again this year. We love, love, love it!!! It's every Wednesday from 9-12. Piper is in pre-k this year and has Mrs. Lucas for her teacher. Gracie is an abecedarian again this year.
This is Gracie's class.... Mrs. Simpson is her teacher
So we have loved our time with these wonderful families over the past two years. We have made great friends!
But I have to be honest about the other four days of the week:) It's been pretty hard. I'm pretty sure I am not cut out for full time homeschooling. There are many reasons that go into it. If you would have asked me what would be the perfect school situation for my kids, I would have said, I want a school where they go two to three days a week to school and then they are home the other days. A school where I am working alongside a certified teacher to educate my kids. A place where the curriculum is chosen for me! A Christian school. But this didn't exist for this year. So we homeschooled. We weren't willing to compromise our convictions, so we kept Gracie home. A few months ago I was at a friends house and she was helping me with my curriculum. She asked me if I'd heard about the new school. When she told me what it was I about fell in the floor!!!! It's precisely what I just described above! Yahoo!!! It's called
Liberty Prep!!! And we are so very excited!! (With the exception of missing our co-op friends) It's a university model school. The kids go to class on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays and they are home on Wednesdays and Fridays working. You can choose to go for just core classes or you can do just electives, or all of the above. It is Christian and the teachers feel that they are co-educators with the parents. Sounds awesome huh?!! And there is a strong emphasis on family. And it's half the price of a private school!!!
Can you tell I'm just a little thrilled?:)
Come join us!!
Please please do a follow-up post on this school! Our next duty station will be in Iowa for at least 3 years, and I'd LOOOOVE for my son to have the chance at a school like this. Can I just live vicariously through you until then? : )
Sure Dana:)) They do have them all over the place. The original one is in TX. I will do many follow-ups probably:) I assume you mean once we get going there and see what it's like?
YAY, YAY, YAY!!!! I'm SO excited for you!!! They have something similar here that a lot of the Stone go to...2 days a wk, home the other 3. People LOVE it. ; )
This brings my heart so much joy to see you excited about school for Gracie!!!!! Thank you, Lord!!!
This school sounds amazing! Obviously Zach is too young for us to be making school choices just yet, but it definitely is a subject that is often on our minds. Can't wait to hear stories of your experiences =)
Oh Lindsay this school sounds amazing. I have been very "fearful" about home school starting next year. We have Caleb signed up for Classical Conversations next year and he is very excited . . . but I'm still nervous about the other days. Especially when it comes to teaching him how to READ!!! I'm going to do some research to see if there is a school like this near Greenville:) If not, I'll be praying that one comes and there's enough interest to start one!!!!!
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