Can you believe Reese Leigh is NINE months old?!!
This little (actually big:) ) sweetness brings so much delight to our house. Really, I can't get over it.
And her momma finally started feeding her solids. She's really not too good at it yet:) She's had green beans, carrots, and prunes. Her favorite: prunes.
I finally got her sweet little dimple in a picture! Most of the time as soon as I pull out the camera she stops smiling.
Reese is still a great sleeper. Still taking three naps a day. Loves her thumb and sleeping on her tummy. She's definitely a mama's girl but she'll go to others too. She usually wants me back quickly:)
She's really interested in electronics of all kinds. She was mesmerized by Jeremy's phone tonight. I gave her an old remote control to play with but she's not too happy with me. She wants the real deal. Stinker.
The cutest thing: She's discovered Reilly, our dog. She talks and squeals at her anytime she see her coming. It's precious and I really need to get it on video.
She's babbling a good bit now and playing with toys and grasping them well. No interest in crawling or really being on her tummy at all unless she's sleeping. Pipes was a late walker so I guess she'll be too.
Looking forward to this summer with her! She loves the water!
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