My dear friend Lisa asked me if I would take pictures of Maggie for her ONE year birthday! I absolutely cannot believe she is one. She and Reese are six weeks apart in age. As the Lord would have it, all of our kids are just months apart from each other.
This little Darlin was picture perfect.

How Big is Maggie? Sooooo Big!!

Maggie has Down's Syndrome and it was a surprise at her birth. But it was not a surprise to God! What an absolute J.O.Y. she has been to her family and to all of us. Watching Lisa with her just Friend, you are so amazingly good with her. One day Lisa told me she couldn't imagine Maggie any other way. I can't either, and I'll never forget the warmth that washed over my soul when those words came out of your mouth.

Truly, she is fearfully and wonderfully made.

In the image of Christ

I just want to eat her up

Scrumptious Mags

Happy One Year Birthday Cutie Pie! We Love you!!!
These pictures of little Maggie are BEAUTIFUL! Has your friend ever seen/read the blog "Enjoying the Small Things" by Kelle Hampton? She is a Mom who was "surprised" to learn that her baby girl had Down syndrome at birth as well... I found it just by luck of the draw one day, but it is a beautiful, beautiful site:
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