It's one of my favorite things to do during the Holiday season, It's Shoebox collection time!
This week Samaritan's Purse begins the awesome process of collecting, sorting, and shipping millions of shoeboxes to little boys and girls all over the world.
While I have always loved doing this, this year it takes on even more meaning. Because I've seen, held and kissed the cheeks of the children who are impacted by this ministry.
Here are their faces

This is where they live
And this is where they go to school. Well, probably not the kids that live in the slums above because you have to pay for school here.
Since seeing them and loving on them, I have some suggestions for you as you pack your shoeboxes.
See this little girl? I held her like this for a long, long time. She was so happy to just be in my arms. Look at her smile! Her shirt was absolutely filthy. I mean insanely filthy. So I am packing shirts in my shoeboxes this year. Most of the children in the slums have a shirt that's falling off of them because it's so worn out. It's dirty, has holes all in it, you get the picture. Many of the babies walk around naked.
Also, the basics really are important. A toothbrush, toothpaste and soap are definitely necessities.
Whatever else you put in there, well it's likely that's all these kids will have. I mean, the toys you give them are the only things they will own. So think about that when you give it to them. Make sure it's durable. Make sure it's going to last them. Make it fun:)
Pencils are great but they need a sharpener. Crayons are good too. Notepads. Balls. Do I even need to mention how much they like candy? Goodness they gobbled that up!
Here's a link to help you pack
And when you are doing it. Picture their faces. Picture your Lord delighting in you doing something "for the least of these."
I sure won't be the same as I pack mine this year.
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