My Third Born.....
She is 18 months oldShe's a spit fire
Oh how we love her so
She's finally walking
And she does lots of talking
And lots and lots of drooling
She says Mama, Daddy, Pipey, Papaw, Nanny, Papa, Abbieeee,
O-pen, Pees (please), tank you, mil (milk), nana (banana), baby, Bella, and her favorite, Reilly
She's a pretty happy girl
She definitely gives us a run for our money
She LOVES to go outside
And she LOVES shoes
And she loves, loves her Daddy
And this is what she does when she wants us to hold her. Priceless indeed.
She's playful
And joyful.
We Love you, Our Third Born
She is precious! Those pictures are great, I just want to scoop her up!
Love the pictures Lindsay! She is so adorable!
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