First, thank you all for your encouragment of our little blog! I added the comments part so you can leave them on the blog now.
Now to the something GREAT... I am going to be an Auntie again!!!! Yes, that's right, La La (as Gracie calls my sis Lauren) is going to have another sweet little bundle of joy! Due around April 29th, Lord willing. Now I know it is normal to get excited about babies and all but we are ecstatic around here for this one! Why? Because Lauren and Chris have been trying for a little over a year for their second child. If you have ever been through the agony of waiting you know how hard this is. Yet our Great God, in His perfect timing will give them the child He has handcrafted for their little family. So, praise you Lord and Congratulations Lauren, Chris, and "T" (what Tristen calls herself).
Yeah! Congratulations! Good job getting the comments added too!
praise God!!!!! that is soooo exciting that lauren is preggo again!!!keep us updated...maby she will have a little boy...far fetched idea i know...thanks for fixing the comments!
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