I wanted to post my testimony today. To point us all to the cross and to the One who matters most. Well, I grew up in the church. My mom and dad took me faithfully since the day I was born. We went to Christ United Methodist Church, here in Coulwood. When I was eight I went to Camp Lurecrest for a week and that is my first recollection of accepting Jesus into my heart. We saw the Jesus film and I was really impacted by it and the life of our Lord and what He had done for me on the cross. But when I came home from camp nothing really changed in my life. It wasn't until my freshman year of college that God began to draw me to Himself. It was 10 years ago this month!! Wow! I began attending Campus Crusade for Christ at East Carolina University. Little did I know my life would never be the same again. I learned what it meant to live for Jesus. What it meant to have a relationship with Him and to obey Him. He surrounded me with friends who were on fire for Him as well. My defining moment was after one of the weekly meetings. One of the staff members was giving a talk on sharing the gospel. And she said, "On a scale of zero to ten how sure are you that you are going to heaven? Then she went on to explain how you are either a zero or a ten, there's no in between." I got back to my room and began to process what had just been shared. I realized that I would have said I was a six or seven. My reasoning, I am a good person and I don't get into much trouble. But I prayed right then, Lord I want to be a 10. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins and for completely forgiving me of all my sins-past, present, and future! From that point on there was a change in my life. I wanted to live for the Lord and not for my own gain anymore. Suddenly His Word was my guidebook for living instead of what I felt was right.
Soon after my conversion I met Jeremy, the love of my life! He also held my hand as I walked the journey of learning who our Savior is. And we are still learning more everyday about His amazing grace and love for us.
Four and a half years ago God brought us to Crossway Community Church. This has been by far one of the most fruitful tools God has used to bring me closer to Him. I am surrounded by men and women who truly live for the Lord everyday. What do I mean by that? Their lives reflect the commands in scripture and they are daily identifying sin and working to rid themselves of it, so that they can glorify God more. They realize the impact that living today has on where and how they spend eternity. You see, you will spend eternity somewhere. It is not a choice.
So if you are a believer and reading this, may you be encouraged to reflect on your testimony and give thanks to the Lord for all He has done for you. And if you are a nonbeliever or are unsure, may you be encouraged to seek the Lord and ask Him to change your life and show you how to live for Him.
Holy God in love became, perfect man to bear my blame, on the cross He took my sin, by His death I live again.
Great testimony!!! You are right, we all need to reflect on a regular basis, it helps us to remember just how much Jesus has done for each one of us! Thanks for sharing! Robin M.
Excellent my dear friend! God is pleased and honored!
Enjoyed reading your testimony, Lindsay! I was in Campus Crusade in college, too, at Penn State. You probably weren't even born yet!
PS You've gotta rotate those sideways pics, Lindsay. I'm getting a stiff neck!
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