Hey All, I am back and have been since Sunday night. Lisa and I had a great time with the Lord and with each other. We headed to mom and dad's condo at the beach. So here is what I worked on... My primary focus is to love God more passionately this year. I plan on doing that in a major way through loving and serving Jeremy better. So I worked on outlining how to serve him better most of the time I was there. I started reading the book "Passionate Housewives Desperate for God" which is very good! I also asked myself this question "How Do I love and serve Jeremy better?" I know, genius! Then made a list of what I thought his priorities for me would be. Here they are: Growing in humility by respecting, loving and serving him more, making meals more consistently, love his children more, and well you know, romance him more. I won't go into any details here;) Pray for me, I am selfish and lazy!
Then I made a schedule for the girls and I. And a meal schedule for the next two months. Contrary to popular belief, Lindsay does not prefer cooking. She would go out to eat every meal of every day if allowed to. Now of course this would not serve her family very well. So she is growing in serving them better in this area by having a plan! Mostly she gets into trouble on the weekends when she doesn't have dinner Sat night or lunch ideas for Sunday. That one is so hard for her!
So anyways, I am sharing this with you so you can keep me accountable and know what God has placed on my heart. I have a long ways to go but my God will meet me this year as He will each and every one of you!
hey girl! i am getting ready to do a mini-retreat for a half/day...id like to talk with you about yours!!!what was helpful to bring and hgow did you prepare.....i will call ya:)
Great job Lindsey! Here's what we do at our house with meals. I cook mostly every night. Saturdays and Sundays....well I only cook occasionally....those meals are clean out the fridge nights/lunches where we finish the leftovers from the week OR have a sandwich. It works well for us. Sometimes on the weekend, especially in the winter months, I make a big pot of soup/chili for the weekend. Thanks for taking time out to think through these important areas of your life!
I have been excited to hear about your weekend checking your blog many times. You have stirred me to be more diligent in my planning for this new year. The funny thing is that your #1 thing to work on this year is the very same thing that the Lord laid on my heart.
I have to share with you an AWESOME idea for dinners. I wish that I would have thought of this when I was staying home...
I decided a couple of weeks ago that I needed to de-stress my evenings so that I had more time with Brian and the children. I decided to pull out my crock pot and make our dinners mainly crock style. To make it even better I wanted to start eating healthier low carb, low cal, and more veggies eliminating processed foods. I love google I was able to find so many good meals. Our children have eaten veggies that they NEVER would have eaten before. Brian has absolutely loved most of the meals and they are so healthy for you. I put the ingredients together the night before after all little ones are in bed. Then I place my crock insert in the fridge. The next morning I pull it out of the fridge and turn it on. When we get home from work dinner is ready and the house smells so wonderful. The we have the rest of the evening to play.
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