Yes, my girlies came back home yesterday! They have been at Gamma and Papa Ron's since last Friday!! They were having so much fun that they begged for a few more days. So Jeremy and I let them stay. What a gift it is to be able to let my children spend precious time at their grandparents like this. And what a blessing that we have Ron and Wanda to desire this time with them. You guys rock!
Which leads me to my next point... Part of my plan for reviewing 2007 is to honor those who have invested in my life. You are supposed to write them a letter but there are sooooo many people who have invested in me. I just thought I would honor them here, one by one so that all of us can give glory to God for them. So maybe I will do one a week. Who knows? They will be in random order:) Starting with my dear in-laws.
Ron and Wanda, Thank you for my husband first of all. Thank you for caring for him those 21 years before I met him. For loving him unconditionally. And thank you for loving me like you do. That is such a privilege that I do not take lightly. That you would accept me into your family and love me like I was your own. Thank you so much for that. And thank you for loving my children. Oh my, they soooo love spending time with you. I am so grateful to God that we live close enough to see you as often as we do. Thank you for the effort you put into making that happen. Gracie asked me the other day about where our geese had gone. (We have a pond with geese) I told her they flew south for the winter. Gracie wanted to know if she could go to Angier for the winter!!! It was sooo cute, but what a testimony to the care they receive from you. They adore you two! Thank you for playing so hard with them and spending quality time with them while they are there. Thank you for trying your best to uphold our standards:) You do a great job honoring our wishes.
Most of all we love seeing you grow in your walk with the Lord. Papa Ron, thank you for consistently seeking the Lord! I love hearing about what he is doing in your life. And thank you for pointing Gracie and Piper to Him often.
You are both incredible servants. They do meal on wheels for homebound people in their area. They have been doing this for years. I used to go with Wanda when I lived there. It was so neat to see how many lives they have touched doing this. Wanda also just started reaching out to a nursing home in their area. She saw that noone was caring for these people outside of the staff that work there and she got busy. Now three churches are involved! They have provided food, clothing, parties, and lots of love to these dear people. This is just the tip of the iceberg!
I love you guys! Thank you for investing in my life through your love for me, my husband/your son, and my children. Thank you for taking the girls so that I can have a break, go on a trip, or spend extended time with the Lord. You are a blessing! I will be there to testify to the Lord of your faithfulness on the last day. I can't wait to hear Him say to you "Well done my good and faithful servants!"
"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." YOU LIVE THIS SO WELL. GOD IS PLEASED!
You are so blessed to have such serving in-laws who enjoy spending time with your girly's.
Can you please email me I lost your email address =(
Thanks a Bunch!
Lindsay...I love reading your blog. It is so heartwarming. I am so inspired by your messages. You are an awesome young lady. I am honored to have you as a friend.
Please send me your email, I would love to keep in touch.
Love in Christ, Jane Bolton
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