Whew! It was quite a chore choosing her first name! There were several we have been tossing around the past several months...Caroline, Reese, and Harleigh were the three main contenders. Jeremy decided we should wait to meet her and then decide. So, that is what we did. I was really leaning towards Caroline until the night before she was born. It means joy, and I have always loved the name. This past week I was kidding with Jeremy about a show he loves and told him we should name her after the girl spy on there, Fiona. Little did I know he loved the name and has been calling her Fiona or Fi all week. But he really, really loves the name and he really really wanted to name her that. But I just can't. And boy has he gotten some harassment from our families and friends for that one:) He has been a great sport about it. And I really wanted to bless him and use the name. But this morning I had to tell him I just couldn't bear naming her Fiona. So he was kind enough to give up his favorite name.
Last night, when we went to bed she was Harleigh. But I just couldn't sleep on that one. She doesn't look like a Harleigh to me. And Jeremy agreed.
So this morning,we brought out the computers and searched meanings of names and wrote out lots of different possibilities. That's when we agreed on Reese and we think it's perfect for her:) We have both liked this name the whole pregnancy. It means enthusiastic:) Fitting for a Gibson girl don't ya think?:)
While it was very difficult to pick her first name, her middle name was not a problem.....She is named after my very dear friend Tracie Lee
Tracie and I met seven years ago at our church. We became fast friends and I seriously do not know what life would be like without her!
She has taught me so much about being a mom.....

Now we have the privilege of being neighbors and watching our families grow up together. It has been so much fun and such a means of grace to me.
Tracie Lee Lucas, thank you dear friend for loving me and my family. Thank you for the way you love your boys and Matt, for the way you seek me out and pray for me so faithfully. Thank you for all the tons of little ways you serve me. Thank you for teaching me to be a better wife and mom. Your example spurs me on to love God more. Words really aren't adequate for the gratefulness I have in my heart for your friendship. I hope we grow old together:)
So there you have it, Reese Leigh Gibson
Reese is beautiful. I'm so happy for you and your family! I'm glad you didn't name her Harleigh. Even though it's spelled in a girly kind of way, it just sounds like a boy's name. The only thing I could ever associate it with is Harley motorcycles. Harley/Harleigh=Hog. You definitely made the right choice! Not that my opinion matters, anyway. :D
This is funny. We talked a bunch about names, and both had ones we loved that the other couldn't stand.
My sister and her husband NEVER name their girls until they're at least 2-3 days old. It's tough.
I love Fiona, but Reese is beautiful too.
I love what you wrote about Tracie!! Isn't it great to think God designed your friendship before either one of you was born?! And to meet each other at the perfect time?! Your right,Tracie is such a good example of all those things you wrote!!
The name fits her well. Lucas said her pictures were adorable I agree completely. I look forward to meeting Reese.
Awwww, what a sweet post! Did not know Reese meant enthusiastic - this is perfect! :) I understand about names - I HATED Xavier and strongly vetoed it after 3 children though it was Brian's FAVORITE and he greatly would have preferred this as a first name. By #4, I felt obligated ;). And it thrilled him to get to use this name. SO, my point is... #4 girl will be Fiona (which I personally think is really cute). Don't you just love how I can figure out a way to get you having more children no matter what the email/post/topic is?! :)
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