Wow! This past week has flown by. I haven't had much time to be on the internet, so pics are late!
Reese is a super sweet baby! She mostly sleeps and eats and lays in Gracie and Piper's arms:) They simply can't get enough of her. Really, none of us can:)

When she's awake, she's very alert and just stares at you with these beautiful eyes...

She has really petite features, except for her huge hands...

And sweet little wrinkly feet....

And she loves her passy already....

We are adjusting well. Thank you for your prayers. The hardest part has been the nursing, as expected. But we are working on that. She is finally above her birth weight, which is a sigh of relief! She had lost down to 6 lbs and 13 ozs. She weighed 7 lbs 13 ozs today! So she is eatin good:) A whole pound in one week.
The girls absolutely love her and want to hold her all the time. They tell me to hurry and finish feeding her so they can hold her:)
She is absolutley gorgeous. I am so happy for you guys!! Another little girl to bless your family. Hope everything is going well.
Love you, Erin
Aww, she is SOOOO pretty!!! Rhiannon is super envious of Gracie, lol.
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