I think I have my computer working enough to get some more pictures up!
First, I want you to meet Godfrey. This is our driver and he is so kind. He is an advocate for orphans around here and he helps find many of them homes. He took us to do all the shopping for the orphanage and did the talking for us. He also took us to pay their electricity at the company and to the surgery to pay the medical bills. And he's even willing to help us serve the orphanage in the future by getting stuff to them when we aren't here to do it ourselves.
Here we are pulling up and all the kids are getting ready to start pouring out. The man on the right is one of the pastors and he works hard at this orphanage. He couldn't believe what he was seeing:)
The kids peaking out of their gate to see who has come
Mama Harriet stays with the girls. She was beyond ecstatic!
Here are the kids starting their celebration of the fact that they have food!
Isn't he adorable!
My favorite pic of the day
They sang and sang for us:) Some of the songs we knew from the babies home so we were able to sing along
The boys did a song and dance too
And each of them took a turn coming to the front to do a solo dance. They were hilarious!
They danced on the ground

This is when we told them we were going to pay their electricity bill. Do you see mama Harriet in the top left, she grabbed a chair and started running around celebrating!
Here is one of the girls' rooms. Friends, SIXTEEN girls sleep in here. There are two bunkbeds that have three bunks each. You can do the math. They sleep a few to each bunk and some on the floor.
Some of the beds don't have mattresses, so they sleep on the wires.
But thanks to you, they don't have to anymore

This is Edith. She works at the babies home where we are staying and she is the one who took us to the orphanage. It's run by her church. But it's a poor church and they just don't have the resources to have an orphanage.

We brought them juice and they gave us a toast:)
What a DAY!

As I said in my post yesterday. We will be praying for discernment on if and how to help these little ones in the future. If you are interested in helping us, we will post more soon. The biggest struggle besides food is school fees and medical. If the kids could board at school, that would be best for them. So we need wisdom and direction.
Also, it's not best to just send or give money to places here. Sadly, the corruption is so bad, there's just no way to know where your money goes. That's why we buy the stuff and deliver it ourselves. We don't know if this organization is corrupt, they are sweet sweet people, but I just wanted to explain why we aren't just sending money. BUT if you want to give money, I will take it and make sure it gets used properly. Some people have still been asking if they can give. Thank you and absolutely!
I hope you were blessed by this post!!
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