The day we got home from Africa, my baby turned ONE! What?!!
I took her in this week for her one year check-up and here are her stats:
Weight- 22lbs 4ozs which is in the 70%
Length- 30.5 inches which is in the 90%
We went to dinner after my family picked me up at the airport and Nanny stopped for a cake for Reese:)
She has changed SO much since I left just three weeks ago. Here are her new tricks and she wasn't doing any of them when I left: She holds her hands over her head when you ask her how big she is. Papaw taught her that one:)
She is crawling
She's into everything
She is squealing like crazy. I have started teaching her to sign since I've been back:)
She is eating three meals a day like the rest of us
She has drastically cut back on her bottles
She plays in the playroom with the big girls...precious
She dropped a nap (I haven't forgiven Jeremy for this one yet)
She is developing quite the personality! When I left she was pretty quiet and just hung out. Now she is spunky and loud...a true Gibson Girl.
She says "bye-bye" "hey"
The girls point at her and she points back with her chubby little finger. (That one is adorable)
I have no idea why all these pictures are blurry...sorry:(
"How Big is Reese?"
"Soooo Big"
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Reesee girl! You've brought more joy to our lives than we could have possibly imagined.
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