Piper celebrated her SIXTH birthday in March?! That's just plain crazy.
She wanted an American Girl Party so La La and I had one for her and Bella over Easter Weekend. I forgot to blog about it:)
Bella Boo turned 4.

We did crafts for our American Girl party because we still have lots of little guys we love to celebrate with too.
Everyone hard at work on their canvases
Piper's Masterpiece
La La made the cake. She's pretty awesome.
The Dolls needed a place setting too
Happy Birthday to our sweet Middles.
Piper, you are a joy. Since you've turned 6, I see you maturing more and more. And the Lord's work has become evident in your life.
This past weekend, we had Tristen's Birthday party and it was a sleepover. There were about 10 little girls in the tent. Whew! You woke up in the middle of the night and came out to tell La La that you were cold. She told you to go get in your sleeping bag. Your response, "I don't have one because I gave mine to that other little girl because she didn't have one."
And your sister, Gracie was away this past week with Nanny and Papaw. You missed her SO much. You seemed lost without her. One day you sent her a text. It said, "Hi Gracie I mos you so much. Theis is Piper."
Oh man, these things make my mama heart melt! To see you serving others and loving your sister like this have been my prayer for you for years. Thank you Jesus!
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