Tuesday, June 5, 2012

It All Happened in the City

Gracie and Piper were able to participate in an Easter Play this year!  It actually didn't happen until the end of April, so I'm not that far behind:)

Gracie had a big part.  I didn't even really realize it until I saw the whole play!  We practiced her lines and listened to the CD a million times, but I didn't clue in.  I was so proud of her!  And I was really proud of Piper too, for sticking with it and getting up on stage:)  She was part of the choir.

I introduce to you, It All Happened in the City.....

Pipes was a city slicker

Gracie was a country folk. She sat on this hay bale the whole night to do her lines, so all the pix are like this:) There are probably better ones, but blogger is being a booger and taking forever to download.

She and Nathan, two peas in a pod

Way to go girls! Stepping out of your comfort zones and going for it!