What is wrong with blogger?? It's taking forever to upload.....
Anyway, GUESS WHAT??!! Over $14,ooo was raised for Esther's adoption!!!!!!! Praise the Lord!! Her family is on their way to get her!!!!!! Please pray for them, they have court next week.
I don't think I ever wrote about sweet baby Gage. Of course you all know the story by now but it has to go in the scrapbook, so bear with me:)
When Reese turned two, we all went to Abbie and Erik's for dinner one night. She handed Reese a present and we were all puzzled because Reese's birthday party was the next day and she usually gives her the present there. Well, Reesee opened a shirt that said, "Proud Cousin of Baby Nordmark." Say what?! Oh Yeah, Abbie and Ek were having a baby!! Woohoo!!!!!!!
Fast forward a few month to reveal time. Of course she is going to have a girl, right? That's all we make. The house was divided. Several thought this just might be the boy. We all gathered at mom and dad's, per tradition, to find out the sex.
Remember I said blogger is being a pain. I can't get these images in proper order.
Abbie had me, Dad and Lauren go on a scavenger hunt and bring our package to the family room. There were strict orders not to open it! Thank goodness dad didn't, his said "BOY" Can you imagine if he'd opened that in the barn alone?! We'd have killed him!
So we brought our pumpkins back to the family room and Ab opened each one seperately....
IT'S A.....

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