Sunday, August 30, 2009

Two weeks

Friday, August 21, 2009

One week

Wow! This past week has flown by. I haven't had much time to be on the internet, so pics are late!

Reese is a super sweet baby! She mostly sleeps and eats and lays in Gracie and Piper's arms:) They simply can't get enough of her. Really, none of us can:)
When she's awake, she's very alert and just stares at you with these beautiful eyes...
She has really petite features, except for her huge hands...
And sweet little wrinkly feet....
And she loves her passy already....
We are adjusting well. Thank you for your prayers. The hardest part has been the nursing, as expected. But we are working on that. She is finally above her birth weight, which is a sigh of relief! She had lost down to 6 lbs and 13 ozs. She weighed 7 lbs 13 ozs today! So she is eatin good:) A whole pound in one week.

The girls absolutely love her and want to hold her all the time. They tell me to hurry and finish feeding her so they can hold her:)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Her Name....

Whew! It was quite a chore choosing her first name! There were several we have been tossing around the past several months...Caroline, Reese, and Harleigh were the three main contenders. Jeremy decided we should wait to meet her and then decide. So, that is what we did. I was really leaning towards Caroline until the night before she was born. It means joy, and I have always loved the name. This past week I was kidding with Jeremy about a show he loves and told him we should name her after the girl spy on there, Fiona. Little did I know he loved the name and has been calling her Fiona or Fi all week. But he really, really loves the name and he really really wanted to name her that. But I just can't. And boy has he gotten some harassment from our families and friends for that one:) He has been a great sport about it. And I really wanted to bless him and use the name. But this morning I had to tell him I just couldn't bear naming her Fiona. So he was kind enough to give up his favorite name.
Last night, when we went to bed she was Harleigh. But I just couldn't sleep on that one. She doesn't look like a Harleigh to me. And Jeremy agreed.
So this morning,we brought out the computers and searched meanings of names and wrote out lots of different possibilities. That's when we agreed on Reese and we think it's perfect for her:) We have both liked this name the whole pregnancy. It means enthusiastic:) Fitting for a Gibson girl don't ya think?:)

While it was very difficult to pick her first name, her middle name was not a problem.....She is named after my very dear friend Tracie Lee

Tracie and I met seven years ago at our church. We became fast friends and I seriously do not know what life would be like without her!

She has taught me so much about being a mom.....
And a wife....
And a friend....
We feel God knit our hearts together for very specific reasons. The timing of our friendship was such a blessing to both of us. And we have both had health trials that we have been able to walk together. We have quite a bond. And I am so grateful!

Now we have the privilege of being neighbors and watching our families grow up together. It has been so much fun and such a means of grace to me.

Tracie Lee Lucas, thank you dear friend for loving me and my family. Thank you for the way you love your boys and Matt, for the way you seek me out and pray for me so faithfully. Thank you for all the tons of little ways you serve me. Thank you for teaching me to be a better wife and mom. Your example spurs me on to love God more. Words really aren't adequate for the gratefulness I have in my heart for your friendship. I hope we grow old together:)

And I know your namesake will adore you just as much as my other girls do:)
I love you!

So there you have it, Reese Leigh Gibson

Reese Leigh

Gracie and Piper would like for you to meet their new baby sister....


Reese Leigh Gibson

Born August 11th at 12:13 pm

Weighing in at 7 lbs 10 ounces

20 and a half inches long

We are already madly in love!

Many more posts to come, including how she got her name:)

Monday, August 10, 2009


Today, I am "post dates." That's what we OB nurses call women who are overdue. I never thought I would write that about myself with this pregnancy. As I have probably said before, Piper was 12 days early and I fully expected this baby to be early too, although not that early. But here we dates. I was having a hard time with this yesterday morning. It's really not fun being 10 months pregnant this time. I am sure most of you reading this know exactly what I am talking about. It's just plain uncomfortable. So, like I said, I was having a pity party yesterday morning.

Then the Lord impressed upon me the word patience. He said to me, "Lindsay, you shouldn't be surprised by the fact that you are still pregnant. Yes I know everyone keeps telling you that you should have already gone by now and that no one thought you would make it this far. And yes, I know you are 4 cm, but I am continuing to teach you patience. I have been trying to teach you this fruit of my spirit for the past several years and this is yet another layer in your sanctification."
And then my very dear friend Michelle sent me a verse on patience and said about the same thing I just posted above to me!! How kind of God to make His way so very clear.

So I am left with a decision. Do I choose to be patient and trust God's timing for this sweet little one or do I continue to complain and wallow in self pity that I can't believe I am still pregnant? I am going to choose the first option. Thankfully, God's mercies are new every morning! And today, I am going to choose to be joyful and patient as I wait on the Lord and this sweet little baby.

Many people are saying she is stubborn, but I am choosing to believe she is laid back:))

Friday, August 7, 2009


This Sunday on Fox News Sean Hannity is going to air a very important documentary about Barack Obama, Sunday night at 8:00 PM central / 9 PM eastern. He stated on the air this evening that no one in the news media was willing to do this. Hannity is going back to Obama's earlier days, showing even then his ties to radical professors, friends, spiritual advisers, etc. He stated this evening that he will show in detail his ties to Rev. Wright for 20+ yrs. How he was participating with this man, and not for the reasons he states! He has uncovered more of Obama's radical leaders and we will see things that no one in the media is willing to put out there. This will be a night that you will learn more about Obama than ever before. Hannity is very passionate about this program and asked that everyone please, please watch~~
Sunday night, 8 PM. CT; 9 PM ET

Please pass this on to everyone you know. Democrat or Republican, you can learn from this. It is critical for our country.

I will be watching hopefully and I hope you will too!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Killing Time

Whether it's our little pool outback, Nanny's pool, the Neese's pool, or the country club pool, we have been passing time waiting on Baby G by swimming lots!

Jeremy was cleaning out the shed and the girls begged him to blow this pool up. We couldn't believe they wanted to play in this one when we can go to Mom's. But they played in it for 2 days, 4 hours each day!! They had a ball:)

Lucas, Tristen, Gracie, and Ellie
The country club pool....

The girls have grown in leaps and bounds this year with their swimming. Gracie is jumping off the diving board and swimming the whole length of the pool with no flotation device!! So very proud of her! And she is working on her strokes too.
Believe it or not, Piper is the cautious one around water. But she is getting more and more brave, jumping off the side and all that good stuff.


And no, Baby Girl Gibson does not have a name yet! Yikes!! We are going to make a decision when we see her precious little face. I don't think that's going to make it any easier though! We have some ideas, but nothing seems to be "the one." And we really differ on what we like. So pray for us! That God would give us a name!

Five more days till my due date. Totally thought the babe would be here by now. Piper was 12 days early, and well I thought this one would be early too. I wasn't banking on 12 days, but more than 5:) Everyone else seemed to think I was going to go early too. I've had some labor signs for a week now, so it's getting a little old. I'm was 2 cm last Thurs and had my membranes stripped. I went that very night that I had them stripped with BOTH of the girls. Baby, what is up? I even had contractions last night for 3 hours, five mins apart. But then they died:(

I know she will come when she is ready and that God knows the perfect day for her! Just tired and done!! Baby G, your eviction papers are getting ready to be served:)

We would appreciate your prayers for:
1. A name for this little one
2. A safe and healthy delivery
3. That I can breastfeed this time
4. Smooth transition for Gracie and Piper. They are SO excited and I think they will do really well.
5. Our time as a family of 5 before Jeremy goes back to work. He is going to take a week off.
6. Homeschooling! Oh my, our first year with a two week old!!
7. Getting back into the groove of things. I tend to fall apart after delivery:( I usually get mastitis, and other infections from breastfeeding, and I had the postpartum blues really bad after Gracie. With Piper I took hormonal supplements but I found out they decrease your milk supply. That's exactly what they did with Piper, but I felt so much better as far as the baby blues went. SO this time I am going without the supplements in hopes of being able to breast feed. It's not a hill I am ready to die on, but it's so much cheaper not to have to buy formula! And cheaper is pretty important these days.

We covet you prayers and your friendships!


Dear Baby G....

We are waiting for you!
When are you coming???
My toes are done....
Our bags are packed....
Your room is ready for you....

It will be really cozy:)...
And you have a super cute diaper bag, thanks to Amanda:)....

We can't wait to hold you and squeeze you and kiss you to pieces.


I was watching Fox News this morning really early and they had Glenn Beck on as a guest, wasn't his show. Anyway, they were talking about all the concerns with what Obama is doing and Glenn said, "People ask me all the time what they should do. What we need is our God. We need to pray for our country's protection. Only God can help us. Freedom comes from God."

Amen Glenn Beck!! I really like his show and recommend you watch it when you can. Can't remember when he is on, but it's in the afternoon on Fox News.

Let's pray for protection for our country and see how we can get involved during this August Recess that the government takes.