Friday, February 29, 2008

Pajama Day

Did you know that tomorrow is National Pajama Day? Yep, that's right. Wear them all day! Even better, if you wear them to Bruester's Ice Cream place, you will get a free scoop of ice cream in a waffle cone. So go on, take the fam and your camera. I want to see those pictures:)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I haven't forgotten that I am going to do posts on this subject so dear to me and many of you! Seems like everytime I try to sit and write on it, I end up needing to do something else. So it's still in draft form.
BUT I would love for you to read on Yoursacredcalling about devotions today. It is a post she wrote on Monday, so just scroll down to it. It's chapter 4 of her book Passionate Housewives Desperate for God, which I recommend!
I promise you won't be sorry for taking time to read it. It WILL encourage you. Especially those of us with small children.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I was tagged last week by Michelle, sorry it has taken me so long girlie!
I am supposed to tell you 5 places I would like to visit and 5 places I have been that I would like to visit again....

First, 5 places I would like to visit again...
1. I LOVE Germany. I have been twice and I would love to go back again. It's beautiful and the people there are so nice.

2. I also loved Austria. My fav movie is the "Sound of Music" and we got to go on a tour that showed all the sites where the movie was filmed. Did you know that the house was actually two houses??? Yep, the front of one and the back of another. We also saw the lake, the mountains, and the church where Maria and Captain Von Trapp were married. It was sooooo cool:)

3. I would love to go on my honeymoon again:) We went to Ocho Rios, Jamaica. It was great. After being married for nine years and having two kids, I would love that time with Jeremy. I think I would savor it more and not take it for granted.

4. I would love to go to Richmond and visit my friend Jen. I miss her soooo much! I haven't even gotten to see her newest addition in person. Lexi was born in October.

5. And well, I just can't pass up the opportunity with this one... I love to shop, so I would love to go shopping again with my mom, Amanda and Terry in Boston! Terry is a flight attendant and we just went to Boston for the day to shop when I was in highschool. It was so much fun. I really don't care if it's not in Boston. Anywhere would be fine:)

Five places I would like to visit:

1. Most of all, I long for Heaven! Can't wait to worship the Lord forever. And the perfected body sounds nice too:)

2. I would love to go out West. Actually, we are going to Colorado this summer for a wedding. I want to go when the girls are older and spend a couple of weeks touring out there.

3. I would love to visit Turks and Caicos....Love the Caribbean

4. And for the same reason as #3, I want to go to St Kitts

5. ummmmm......I think it would be neat to go to Texas too.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Hey All,
Thank you for your prayers for Jeremy! He did have his appointment on Friday. It went okay, not great but there are some possibilities... The Dr doesn't think the surgery he was thinking about doing will guarantee Jeremy will be able to see much better. So that was dissappointing. He sees about 20/200 right now and they don't think they could get him much better than 20/80 due to the irregularity of the shape of his eye. That is pretty good but then he would still need a hard contact on top of that. He doesn't want one of those because they are really expensive and not disposable. So if he loses it, he has to order a new one and be without sight for a few days. That for him, is very difficult to deal with. He wouldn't be able to function very well for those days. Remember, his right eye isn't too good either.
But there is a new contact that they have come out with, that's a hybrid between a soft and a hard. So he made an appt to see that Dr for the end of March. So we pray that this one will meet his needs and help him be able to see better.
As far as the right eye goes, it is pretty stable right now, so no transplant on the horizon. He sees about 20/40 out of it with a contact and that is the best it will get.

On another note, the girls both have ear infections again!! This is Gracie's second one and Piper's fifth since Nov! It seems to be the season for them. Gracie is doing well, just says her ear hurts on and off. Piper has had a fever since Sat and is pretty cranky:) I think I would be too.

Friday, February 22, 2008


Hey All,

I only have a minute, trying to pack for a weekend of scrapbooking! But I wanted to ask you all to pray today for my man. He has an eye appointment in Pinehurst to see if they can correct his vision in his left eye any better.

Okay, I am now aware this post is going to take me a while! I want to make sure you have the background story to this one....

When he was in college he had corrective surgery done, like LASIK except totally not like lasik in the fact that it was with a scalpel, not a laser. It damaged the shape of his eyes and he has terrible astigmatisms. Three years ago he started seeing a specialist who did a surgery where he put these rings around Jeremy's cornea to try to reshape it. Unfortunately it didn't work, so he ended up having a corneal transplant on his left eye. This was a very painful surgery and it has been a LONG recovery. He is recovered but he still can't see well at all. They have tried many different things to get his vision better but it's just not working. The astigmatism is still so bad that contacts can only correct him to a certain point. So today he is going to see the Dr who did the transplant to see if they can get him on a new machine that can correct the astigmatism enough that he can wear glasses or a soft contact that will improve his vision very much. If he can't have the new surgery I am not sure what the next step is.... Guess we will find out today.

Now that is only the LEFT eye. We haven't even begun the process with the right eye, which needs a transplant as well. But it can't be messed with until the left one is stable. And Jeremy decides he wants to go through that again! It was very grueling. So for right now, the right eye has a contact and the vision in it is as good as it will get until the transplant is done on it too.

Sorry honey, I probably did a terrible job explaining all that. Feel free to correct it.

So, how does this play out in everyday life? Well I have an amazing husband who has never once complained about all this. Many of you probably didn't even know what he has gone through! What a testimony you are to me Jeremy! His vision is pretty blurry, which makes driving and looking at a computer screen difficult. Yet, this is what he does all day long, it's his job. And he does it cheerfully. He can't see details very well, just the big picture.

So would you pray with us that the new machine will work today and that we can get Jeremy's eye corrected enough to wear glasses or a soft contact? That would be such a blessing to him.

May God receive the glory for this trial.

Thank you for your prayers!

Thursday, February 21, 2008


May this encourage your soul as it did mine... It's from Spurgeon...

"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." Philippians 4:11

"These words show us that contentment is not a natural propensity of man. "Bad weeds grow in haste" Covetousness, discontent, and murmuring are as natural to man as thorns are to the soil. We needn't sow thistles and brambles; they come up naturally enough, because they are indigenous to the earth; and so, we needn't teach men to complain; they complain fast enough without any education. But the precious things of the earth must be cultivated. If we would have wheat, we must plow and sow; if we want flowers, there must be the garden, and all the gardner's care. Now, contentment is one of the flowers of heaven, and, if we would have it, it must be cultivated. It will not grow in us by nature; it is the new nature alone that can produce it, and even then we must be especially careful and watchful that we maintain and cultivate the grace which God has sown in us. Paul says, "I have learned to be content;" as much as to say, he didn't know how at one time. It cost him some pains to attain to the mystery of that great truth. No doubt he sometimes thought he had learned, and then broke down. And when at last he had attained to it, and could say, "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances," he was an old gray-haired man, upon the borders of the grave-a poor prisoner shut up in Nero's dungeon at Rome. We might well be willing to endure Paul's infirmities, and share the cold dungeon with him, if we, too, might by any means attain to his good measure. Don't indulge the notion that you can be contented with learning, or learn without discipline. It is not a power that may be exercised naturally, but a science to be acquired gradually. We know this from experience. Brother and sister, hush that complaint, as natural as it is, and continue as a diligent scholar in the College of Content."

Friday, February 15, 2008


Lisa and Kim

As you can see, my girls love Yisa (Lisa) Okay so you are probably going to kill me for that last picture, I am sorry. I love the way Gracie is loving on you:) And once I had it on there I couldn't get it off.

I am supposed to be honoring someone who has invested in my life every week. Well, I am very behind! So today I want to honor my dear friend, Lisa:)

Lisa is my get-to-see-you-almost-everyday-and-love-it-kind-of-friend! Through God's kindness we live about 30 seconds apart. They moved over near us a year ago, almost exactly:) We have known each other for about six years now, and four of those years we have known each other really well. We met at church in care group and began hanging out when we were both pregnant with our first little ones. I have so enjoyed our time together and being in the same season of life with Lisa. Jackson and Gracie are six months apart and so are Sydney and Piper.

Our kids are growing up together, which is a treasure to me. This morning Jackson told Lisa, "Mommy I am so glad Gracie lives so close.. it would be really sad if God had her move." We agree Jackson! My girls love Lisa and are so excited to see her when she comes in the door. Sometimes she gets more kisses from them than I do.

We share alot of the same passions-shopping, french fries, ice cream, eating out. Oh and of course we both love our Lord and Savior which is what makes our friendship sooooo sweet. We have been meeting for accountability for about three years now, along with another dear friend. Lisa is so great at listening to my struggles and encouraging me and pointing me to the Lord for my strength. And most of all I am so grateful that she prays for me so faithfully! And if that wasn't enough, she is very quick to ask me about things I have shared to check up and see how I am doing and if I have followed through with how I am supposed to be responding to things.

Lisa, Danny, Jackson, and Syndey are really like family to us. We hang out ALOT. Thank you for putting up with me! When we are together we always seem to have so much fun. Whether we are playing the Wii, cards, or just talking about what God is doing in our lives the fellowship comes naturally. Danny and Jeremy joke about us needing a date night! Funny, we think that's a great idea;)

My friend is also very humble. She is open to input and desires to grow in her walk with the Lord and in the way she serves her husband and children. When circumstances are difficult for her at home I rarely hear her complain. She is quick to point to the good that is going on and how God is meeting her needs. Keep it up!

She is also such a servant to me. Lisa is constantly offering to watch my kids for Drs appts or when I have migraines. I know she is just a phone call away. Thank you for that friend!

Well there is so much more I could say about my dear Lisa but I will close with this verse...."I therefore..urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one spirit-just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call-one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift." Eph 4: 1-7

Lisa thank you for living these verses. For walking with me in love. You are a gift of grace to me!

Love you!!!!

Our Sweethearts

The girls and I got cards and candy from Daddy. Oh and Mommy got spa money:)
Immediately when Gracie opened her candy and Piper saw there was food in there she grabbed it and took a bite!
The gang-Rachel, Piper, Jackson, Ellie, Lucas, Gracie, Tristen, and Sydney
Piper hard at work making her Valentine for her daddy

I like Valentine's day! Many people don't make a big deal out of it, but I like to:) It's a fun day to bless my hubby and girls with little treats and special "I love yous." Last year we started a tradition of having a sweetheart party for the little ones on Valentine's morning. So Gracie and Piper's little buddies came over to decorate cupcakes and make a Valentine for their Daddys. We finish up with lots of playtime and lunch.
Last night was date night and Jeremy and I had the kids. So we didn't do anything special as far as dinner goes. We usually go out. You know that's my favorite;) So when Daddy got home the girls and mommy gave him his valentine's and a new game for the Wii. We finished off the night with LOST. Hey, what could be better than that?
Hope you had a special day!
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Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Lauren had an appointment on Monday, sorry I haven't update yet. She saw one of the Drs, she usually sees the midwives. The Dr said everything looked fine and that he wasn't concerned about her delivering anytime soon. So back to work, no more bedrest! She has another appt on Monday with the midwives. So we'll see what they say. So weird to get totally different thoughts from the same office within a week. But we're chalking that up to your prayers, that God answered and He is going to keep Bella in a little longer:) SO thank you for all your prayers and kind words. Truly our Lord is sooooo good!
Lauren is doing well. Pretty uncomfortable and having braxton hicks contractions alot. But she is glad to be off the couch;)

Friday, February 8, 2008

Please Pray

Hey everyone,

I have lots I want to write but that will have to wait for later. I wanted to ask you to please pray for Lauren, my sister. She is 28 weeks pregnant. She went to the OB Dr this past Tues for the "big" visit-glucose test, Rhogam, and another ultrasound. She had another ultrasound because she had a low lying placenta with the last US. So, the good news is that the placenta moved but Bella is breech now. That was okay cause she has plenty of time to turn. BUT Lauren told them she has been having pressure. So they checked her and did a fetal fibrinectin test. This is to see if you will go premature. Well, her test came back today and it was positive. Usually you deliver in two weeks. Oh my! I can't even believe I am writing this! ANOTHER preemie!!! Lord, what is going on???? Yet, I know we must trust our Sovereign Lord has a plan for this little one just like He has for all the other ones:)

Please pray for Lauren, she is rather upset. Pray for her as she is going to be on moderate bedrest and she has a 2 and 1/2 year old. Pray for baby Bella to hang in there a good while longer! She isn't due till April 30th.

Thank you all!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Is that a Boy?

Lauren, my sister and I went to the mall today. We had our three girls and Emma with us:) And Lauren is very pregnant with... of course, a girl! Several people asked us if there were ANY boys in our family. To which we had to reply, nope. And we have another sister:) And that is a girl in the womb too:)

We were eating lunch and this lady said "I just have to ask, pointing to Lauren's belly, is that a boy?" I just looked at her and she started laughing. Then I told her Emma wasn't mine so that was one girl down, we had four girls and another sister, no boys in our family:) Then she told me that her son was in Iraq and her daughter-in-law is pregnant and finds out next week what she is having. I smiled at her and then turned around. Immediately my heart was pricked for how little I pray for these men and women that are serving our country! I turned back around a few minutes later and said, "Please tell your son thank you for his sacrifice." I asked if he would be home for the birth of his baby. She said he is supposed to be home in May and the baby is due in June. I told her we would be praying for him and asked her his name. His name is Ben. She had tears in her eyes through our whole conversation. Please join me in praying for Ben and all the other dear men and women who are protecting us right now.

Thank you!

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Wonder of the Word

"I must have a Bible of my own! I must have one, if I have to save up for it for ten years!"
"The year was 1794. For as long as she could remember, little Mary Jones had yearned to hold a Bible in her hands so that she might read it for her herself. For years, she had sat at night on her weaver father's lap and listened to him tell stories of Abraham, Joseph, David, and Daniel. But her family was far too poor to afford a Bible, even if one had been available, for Bibles could scarcely be found in all of Wales during those days.
Two years earlier, Mrs. Evans, the wife of a nearby farmer, having learned of Mary's longing to read the Bible, had promised the child that when she learned to read, she could come to their house and read their Bible. As soon as the first school opened in a neighboring village, Mary had eagerly set about Learning to read.
Now, the ten-year-old girl had just walked two miles from North Wales village to Llanfihangel to the Evanses' farm. The distance was no object to the eager child:"I'd walk farther than that for such a pleasure, ma'am!" she said to Mrs Evans.
When once Mary finally was left alone in the room with the Bible, she reverently lifted off the white napkin that covered and protected the cherished book. Then, with trembling hands, she opened the book to the fifth chapter of John where her eyes lit on the words "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life:and they are they which testify of me." Confident that God had spoken to her directly, she earnestly vowed to search HIs Word with all her heart.
Every Sat from that point forward she made the journey to the Evanses' farm, where she read, studied, and memorized entire chapters from the borrowed Bible. All the time, however, her heart ached, so great was her yearning to have a Bible of her own. She purposed that she must have a Bible, at any cost.
For the next six years, in addition to her studies at school and the many chores to be tended to at home, Mary used every available moment to do odd jobs for friends and neighbors. Every penny she earned was carefully laid aside, until at long last she saved enough money to buy a Bible of her own.
When she learned that the closest place a Bible could be purchased was 25 miles away, there was no question what she must do. With hope in her heart, she started out early one morning, walking barefoot so as not to ruin her one pair of shoes. Before she reached her destination, her feet were blistered and cut from the stones in the road.
Physically weary, but barely able to contain her excitement that her lifelong goal should be so nearly realized, Mary finally arrived in Balam where she poured out her story to the minister, Mr Charles. When she finished, Mr Charles reluctantly informed her that the last of the Bibles available for sale had already been sold and that the handful of remaining ones had been promised to others. Furthermore, the Society that had printed the small quantity of Welsh Bibles did not intend to print anymore.
So great was Mary's disappointment that she began to sob uncontrollably. Touched by the intensity of her passion to have a Bible of her own, Mr Charles decided that she must have one of the few Bibles left in his possession. Words cannot describe the ecstasy that Mary felt as Mr Charles placed into her hands the precious treasure for which she had prayed, wept, and hoarded all these years. Her heart sang as she walked the 25 miles back home, carrying her very own Bible, the book that would remain her dearest friend and companion throughout her life."

I read this story this morning from Nancy Leigh DeMoss' book "A Place of Quiet Rest" and it so pricked my heart! Wow what an example of how precious the Word of God should be to me. I don't know about you but I have tons of Bibles in my house. Many days I can't get my lazy tail out of bed to walk to the den to read it, let alone walking two miles!! Do we really realize what a gift we hold in our possession? That the God of the universe speaks to us!!! And He is willing to meet with us any day, any time, any where? ALL we have to do is open His word and He will meet us!
My next few posts are going to be on one of my most passionate subjects, spending time with the Lord. Devotions are such an important part of the life of a believer. We just can't get by without spending time communing with our Savior. He is our best friend!
I hope the posts minister to you and encourage you in your walk with the Lord. If you are an unbeliever and read this blog, may your heart be stirred afresh as to why you were created and Who you were created for!