Saturday, February 20, 2010


I figured since I update on Baby Reese so much, it's about time for an update on these other two precious ones

Let's start with t.r.o.u.b.l.e.

Well, she's still a total hoot. A free spirit if you will:) We love her to pieces.

She's almost four!!! And really growing up.

She is into baby dolls a lot, playing outside, and watching the Duggars! She is so funny, she wants to watch the Duggars constantly:)) She knows them by name....which is quite impressive since there's 21 of them! She loves being in the schoolroom with us and does her own thang. And she really enjoys her preschool class at co-op.

She's also tough as nails. This little girl has really been through it these past few months. She got another set of tubes in her ears and her adenoids out. This week she has been complaining more and more about her ears hurting (still), so I took her in. The Dr. looked in her ears for a while and they decided he needed to look with a microscope. He ended up pulling her tubes out (the ones she's only had in for a month!!!!) They did that papoose thing to her, where they wrap you up so you can't move. Wanna guess how that went??? Yep, they said she broke the record for the loudest scream. (Man, I'm shocked! haha:) He said the tubes were just sitting in there. He's never seen this happen after only a month. Gees. Now what for this poor girl? Not to mention the $2500 we just spent on them! So when I said to him, "You mean we just spent all this money for nothing?," he assured me that it was not for nothing. She was in really bad shape before these tubes and now her ears look really good. Praise the Lord!!! I was so glad to hear that one. And after Pipey calmed down she said, "My ears feel much better!" She even told Dr. Reulbach so. He gave her 15 stickers and 2 suckers:) Sweet girl.

She also has some major eczema going on. So we are looking in to some big diet changes to help her. Good thing she loves veges and rock-a-mole (guacamole piper style:). It's probably going to be a no fruit, no sugar, no dairy diet. Lord.Have.Mercy.

My Gracie

She's a diligent sweet spirited girl

We've been working hard at school, trying to catch up. This week she has started reading!!! We do lots of celebrating when we have a big moment:) And this was definitely a big one!
She really seems to enjoy math. And she's doing really well with co-op.

We started a new chore system this week and she is all over it! It's so cute. If she does all of her chores each day for 10 days, she gets to go on a special date with Daddy. And she just can't wait! And she does above and beyond her little chore chart around here. Very eager to help mommy with whatever I need.

She also loves to help cook. Yay!!

Still wants to spend every waking moment with her buddy Ellie. They do play well together.

And she's recently gotten in to watching TV. Nick Jr to be exact.

Last but not least, she lost her first tooth:) Big. Girl.

These girls are so precious to us. Parenting is hard work, but they are so worth it. It's truly the most rewarding job!

All of these valentine's photos were taken by Lucy

Friday, February 19, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Snow #2!

What??? Another snow!!!!

This one was so beautiful. Sparkly and powdery.

Snow Angels....

We did a little sledding down our backyard

The girls got to work on their snowman. I looked out to see this....

The Lucas boys made this crazy tall snowman! It was at least 7 ft tall.

Zing Zang Zoom!

Amidst all the snow, we went to the circus with Kim and Ellie.
This year it was called Zing Zang Zoom, a magic show.
Ummm, cotton candy. The best part.
These people amaze me

Piper's favorite
These were the scariest!

The girls ask about the circus all year long. It is a highlight for them:)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Six Months

Our little punkin pie is six months old today!!!
She's growing lots! Weighing in at 17.5 lbs these days. Soon I'll have to take a picture of those chunky thighs so you'll believe me:)
Still just on goat's milk formula and thriving on it. I will get around to feeding her some rice cereal soon:)

She's been loving the Bumbo seat over this past month. What in the world did I do without that thing with the other two??? She loves to sit in it on the kitchen counter where she is up high and can see all the goings on.

Still smiling and cooing tons. Sweet. Girl.

We have two teeth now! They are precious. Have to get pics of that too for you.

Still a great sleeper.

She gave us a scare about three weeks ago. She got RSV. I think I am the one who started it with a bad cold. Then all of us got it. But for a baby her age, it's pretty sad:( We were in the Drs office 4 out of five days and doing nebulizer treatments. She was such a trooper. And now we are all much better.

Loves her big sisters, but isn't too keen on them holding her anymore. It makes Gracie really sad:( She asked me the other day why Reese didn't like her anymore:( Broke my heart. I assured her that wasn't the case!

Her eyes are still so blue. Hopefully they will stay.

Reese Leigh is a total joy!

Stay tuned, I am sure she's gonna say "momma" soon:))

These pictures were taken by Lucy

Friday, February 5, 2010

The GREAT Snow!!

WOW!! That was one FUN snow!!
We got four inches over here at our house.
We went out early on Saturday with the neighborhood gang.
Even Reesee got all bundled up!
Pipes likes the snow for a little while and then she's ready to come in:)
Mr. Lucas pulling Ellie, Gracie, and Connor
Jeremy and Gracie stayed out ALL day. They had a blast!
Gracie and Connor were the first to go down. Tim pushed them and quickly realized they were headed right for the creek! He took off after them but he was too late. They went right over the creek and took a spill on the other side. They were both crying, but they got over it quick:)
Jeremy and Matt try out the new sleds.

Tracie in on the action
Even Reese went down. And she liked it!

Jeremy decided he would "ski" down.
Uh huh

Sunday night, we went to Mom and Dad's to sled. They have some great hills. The only problem...there's a pond at the bottom. So the guys stayed at the bottom to catch us. We did lose the sled to the water once.
Aunt Abbie with her girls
Lauren, Bella, and Gracie. Bella not like:)
We went sledding for over 2 hours!!

Oh man it was fun!! What a treat, the snow actually stuck around for a few days:)