Thursday, June 14, 2012

Esther and Gage:)


What is wrong with blogger??  It's taking forever to upload.....

Anyway, GUESS WHAT??!!  Over $14,ooo was raised for Esther's adoption!!!!!!!  Praise the Lord!! Her family is on their way to get her!!!!!!  Please pray for them, they have court next week.


I don't think I ever wrote about sweet baby Gage. Of course you all know the story by now but it has to go in the scrapbook, so bear with me:)

When Reese turned two, we all went to Abbie and Erik's for dinner one night.  She handed Reese a present and we were all puzzled because Reese's birthday party was the next day and she usually gives her the present there.  Well, Reesee opened a shirt that said, "Proud Cousin of Baby Nordmark."  Say what?!  Oh Yeah, Abbie and Ek were having a baby!! Woohoo!!!!!!!

Fast forward a few month to reveal time.  Of course she is going to have a girl, right?  That's all we make.  The house was divided.  Several thought this just might be the boy.  We all gathered at mom and dad's, per tradition, to find out the sex.  

Remember I said blogger is being a pain. I can't get these images in proper order.

Abbie had me, Dad and Lauren go on a scavenger hunt and bring our package to the family room.  There were strict orders not to open it!  Thank goodness dad didn't, his said "BOY" Can you imagine if he'd opened that in the barn alone?!  We'd have killed him!

So we brought our pumpkins back to the family room and Ab opened each one seperately....

IT'S A.....


Wednesday, June 6, 2012


  Meet Esther.  This sweet girl is in the same orphanage our beloved Madison is from in Uganda.  


She is six years old and has been waiting on a family for a long time. When she came to the orphanage, she was the size of a little baby, yet she was three years old. Three.years.old.  Did you hear me?!  She was so malnourished that  she now has severe special needs. Kim met Esther on her first trip to Uganda, and I met her when I went as well. She wasn't talking, eating on her own or any of that when Kim was there the first time.  When I went, she was eating with someone helping her.  Now she's walking!  But still, there was a vacant look on her face.

This girl needed a family.  And we have been praying for one for her, for years now.  Finally Esther's day has come!!! She has a FAMILY.  A forever family to take her home and give her the love and care she needs.  Oh friends, you have no idea how this warms my heart.  I've been on cloud nine since hearing the news.  DO you see that smile above??? Esther Never smiled before.  When her mom and dad were there, she said her first word, EVER.  It was, "Mama."  See, there is something to LOVE.  It really does heal.

So, Esther's family needs our help to get their girl home.  Can you help?  Love is doing a massive giveaway to help this amazing family.

Go to both of their blogs! Hurry!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

It All Happened in the City

Gracie and Piper were able to participate in an Easter Play this year!  It actually didn't happen until the end of April, so I'm not that far behind:)

Gracie had a big part.  I didn't even really realize it until I saw the whole play!  We practiced her lines and listened to the CD a million times, but I didn't clue in.  I was so proud of her!  And I was really proud of Piper too, for sticking with it and getting up on stage:)  She was part of the choir.

I introduce to you, It All Happened in the City.....

Pipes was a city slicker

Gracie was a country folk. She sat on this hay bale the whole night to do her lines, so all the pix are like this:) There are probably better ones, but blogger is being a booger and taking forever to download.

She and Nathan, two peas in a pod

Way to go girls! Stepping out of your comfort zones and going for it!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Birthday Girls

Piper celebrated her SIXTH birthday in March?!  That's just plain crazy.
She wanted an American Girl Party so La La and I had one for her and Bella over Easter Weekend.  I forgot to blog about it:)

Bella Boo turned 4.


We did crafts for our American Girl party because we still have lots of little guys we love to celebrate with too.

Everyone hard at work on their canvases

 Piper's Masterpiece

La La made the cake.  She's pretty awesome.

The Dolls needed a place setting too

Happy Birthday to our sweet Middles.

Piper, you are a joy. Since you've turned 6, I see you maturing more and more. And the Lord's work has become evident in your life.
This past weekend, we had Tristen's Birthday party and it was a sleepover.  There were about 10 little girls in the tent. Whew!  You woke up in the middle of the night and came out to tell La La that you were cold.  She told you to go get in your sleeping bag.  Your response, "I don't have one because I gave mine to that other little girl because she didn't have one."

And your sister, Gracie was away this past week with Nanny and Papaw. You missed her SO much.  You seemed lost without her.  One day you sent her a text.  It said, "Hi Gracie I mos you so much. Theis is Piper."

Oh man, these things make my mama heart melt!  To see you serving others and loving your sister like this have been my prayer for you for years.  Thank you Jesus!

School's Out!

Gracie and Piper finished school two weeks ago!  They had a great first year with Dr. Gray and we are thrilled with all they have learned.  Second Grade and Kindergarten are in the books. 

We finished off the year with a friendly kickball game. Oh yeah!
The Grays and The Pattersons vs. The Gibsons and The Townsends.

These are from my phone, so not super great.

That is Dr. Gray above. She's a mean kickball player:)

Philip and Dr. Gray's daughter Erica.

Ava Townsend.  Go girl! We tied.  Thankfully for our team the dads showed up, or they would have creamed us:)

The Gang.

Pipey showing off her work for the year

The girls start summer school this coming week:(  Mama is sad.  I love having them home.  But it's only 3 days a week and for just a few hours.  I think it will help with the summer boredom factor and keep those little minds a going.  And Reese and I will be eager to pick them up and have fun when they are home!

Way to go girls!