On Sunday morning we sang this song at church. Meditate on these words. And if you were there, do it again!!!
O PRECIOUS SIGHT, my Saviour stands,
Dying for me with outstretched hands.
O precious sight; I love to gaze,
Remembering salvation's day,
Remembering salvation's day.
May I never lose the wonder, the wonder of the crossMay I see it like the first time,Standing as a sinner lost.Undone by mercy and left speechless,Watching wide-eyed at the cost.May I never lose the wonder the wonder of the cross.Though my eyes linger on this scene,
May passing time and years not steal
The power with which it impacts me,
The freshness of its mystery,
The freshness of its mystery.
Behold, the God - Man crucified,
The perfect sinless sacrifice.
As blood ran down those nails and wood,
History was split in two,
History was split in two.
Behold, the empty wooden tree,
His body gone, alive and free.
We sing with everlasting joy
For sin and death have been destroyed,
Sin and death have been destroyed.
Vicky BeechingCopyright © 2007 Thankyou Music
Then at Care Group, our dear leader came up with this list of Wonder of the Cross. He read them to us Sunday night. May you be freshly amazed at the Wonder of the Cross.
The Wonder of the Cross is…
The Wonder that God, before the foundation of the world, foreordained a plan of salvation for the redemption of mankind whom He had not yet created.
The Wonder that, as part of the plan, God would send His only Son, the second person of the Trinity, to earth to die on a cross as the once and for all sacrifice for sins.
The Wonder that God did, in due time, actually send his Son, and that the Son, in humble obedience to the Father, condescended to take upon himself the form of a man, and moreover, to become the servant of all.
The Wonder that the Son of God, who was also the son of man, lived a sinless live in total obedience to the Father, though he was tempted just as you and I.
The Wonder that Jesus did many miraculous signs and wonders in testimony to the fact that He was truly the Son of God.
The Wonder that the Son, knowing what lay before him, asked that the cup of suffering and wrath be removed from him, but nonetheless prayed to His Father, “not my will, but yours be done”.
The Wonder that the Son, the Creator of the Universe, did not even try to defend himself when he was accused and threatened with death on the cross.
The Wonder that while God ordained that Jesus should be crucified on the cross, Jesus freely “gave His own life as a ransom for many”.
The Wonder that Jesus endured not only the physical suffering and torment of the cross, but also the full furious wrath of God that we deserved for our sin.
The Wonder that Jesus, through his suffering and death, paid the full penalty for our sins, thereby purchasing our redemption.
The Wonder that Jesus, who was dead and buried, was on the third day raised by the power of God.
The Wonder that Jesus, the resurrected Lord, is now in heaven interceding for us.
The Wonder that to all who believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He suffered and died on the cross in atonement for our sins, and who confess and repent of their sins, God freely forgives them and grants the gift of eternal life.
The Wonder that the resurrected Son has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit and His gifts for illumination and power and the building up of the Church, the Body of Christ.
The Wonder that because of Jesus’ sacrifice, and the forgiveness of sins, we can now call God our Father and have access to His Throne of Grace.