Sunday, January 30, 2011


More Snow a few weeks ago meant.....

More hanging out with friends.  The Scurlocks came and spent the night with us for three days!  So much fun!

More red neck sledding

It was so icy this time that we decided to go over to the neighbors driveway for sledding 

It was so icy we had to crawl around

T-Bird and Bella stayed with us too.  Lauren had to work.

Down they go....

Gracie's turn

More snow angels
 And more snow eating

We were thrilled with more snow!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Train 'Em

 Train 'em young!

She loves to help!

 To help you clean:)  You'll thank me later.

Sugar, Sugar

Thank you ALL for your encouragement as we move.  Whether you posted on here, or facebook, emailed, or called, we are so appreciative!


Two weeks ago I went sugar free.  That means no sweet tea, no Dr.Pepper, no chocolate, no baked goods, no nothing! They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right???  I've known for a long time that I needed to do this, and I couldn't put it off any longer.  I've seen GREAT results from acupuncture and eating better, but I've never given up sugar.

So I was at a friend's house after giving it up for a week and she was asking me if I could tell a difference.  I said, "No, I don't feel any better!"  And Jeremy turned around and said, "I see a huge difference!  You are A LOT nicer!"  Come to think of it, he is right.  You know if you've been reading here for long, that I am very open about my struggle with anger.  It's not your average anger, I can tell you that.  But without sugar....I am a different person.  I am much more calm and patient.  The other day I did a little growl in the kitchen when I couldn't fit one more piece of tupperware in the slam-packed cabinet.  Jeremy laughed at me and said that, that was the first time he'd heard me get upset in a week and a half!  Pretty amazing huh?!

Now, I'm not saying that sugar is an excuse for me to sin in anger.  But I am saying that obviously sugar contributes poorly to my mental and emotional well being.  So even though I have a long way to go in dealing with my anger, removing sugar is a great start! Have you ever said to someone, "I know I am yelling at my kids and I just can't stop myself." Or "I know I'm really angry and I've been praying about this for years and I can't seem to make any headway"  You need to consider removing sugar!

I was thrilled to see this article over at (in)courage this week, on this very thing.  

I still really want sugar, but I don't crave it.  There are many things I miss.
But as far as Jeremy is concerned, I'll never have sugar again:)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Gracious Uncertainty

.gracious uncertainty.
“Certainty is the mark of the common-sense life:
gracious uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life.
To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, we do not know what a day may bring forth.
This is generally said with a sigh of sadness,
it should be rather an expression of breathless expectation.
We are uncertain of the next step, 
but we are certain of God.
Immediately we abandon to God, 
and do the duty that lies nearest,
He packs our life with surprises all the time…
We are not uncertain of God, but uncertain of what He is going to do next.
…when we are rightly related to God,
life is full of spontaneous, joyful uncertainty and expectancy…
Leave the whole thing to Him,
it is gloriously uncertain how He will come in,
but He will come.
Remain loyal to Him.”
_oswald chambers

A sweet friend sent this devotion to me last week.  I keep thinking about it.  It's really where I live now.  My reality.

We have made a decision!  By God's grace, we have decided to move to Wilmington!  I say by God's grace because I am quite certain that's the only way I was able to utter the words, "Okay, I'll go."  I am heartbroken but hopeful for what the Lord is going to do there.  Heartbroken to leave all my comforts here.  All the precious people that mean the world to me, our church, our school.  We have a nice life here.  A blessed life.  But as the days have gone by the Lord has closed the doors for us to stay and He's made it clear he has a plan for us in Wilmington.

My God, He's faithful!  He will carry me, us.  Through the rough few months ahead until we move, through the goodbyes, and the new hellos, through the loneliness of being in a new place.  He's faithful.

We won't be moving until this summer.  I am praising God for this time to soak my friends and family up.  They might be tired of me by the time we leave:))

The girls took it pretty well, in case you are wondering.  They don't want to go, but they aren't flipping out yet:)  They don't fully comprehend it all.  There's lots of questions.  And we answer each and every one.

In true God fashion, we have friends that are moving to the same exact area!  We don't know them super well yet, but we will soon enough!

My God He is able.  Able to help us through this gracious uncertainty.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

For Aunt Gale

I should have added this to the random post...
Aunt Gale bought this for Piper for Christmas.  Wow look at that hair!!  And that's only after two weeks of growth!

The girls have enjoyed it so much!

Monday, January 24, 2011


These are some random pictures from this past month...

LaLa and I made Zander, Connor, and Madison's Birthday cake!  It was a lot of work, so it's worth posting:)

A few weeks ago I had a bad migraine and was in bed for a full day. Sweet Gracie made me this picture and hung it on my door.  I am the one to the far right, and those things coming out of my head, those are my earrings:)

This is Jeremy's family, the Jackson side.  Every year they get together after Christmas to hang out.  In the middle at the bottom are Gramma and Grandpa Jackson.  Then on each side of them is their daughters.  All the grandkids and greatgrands were there too.  Even the outlaws made it in to the picture. (Those of us who aren't blood are called the outlaws:))
Jeremy's Grandpa is one of nine children, 6 bios and 3 foster.  So it makes for BIG family reunions!  Unfortunately I didn't get my camera out in time to get the whole gang.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's been awhile

Sorry for being absent on here for the past few weeks.  I do have a few posts to do!  Hopefully I can get them up soon. I wanted to tell you guys why it's been quiet on here and ask for your prayers.
  We have heavy hearts.  And a HUGE decision to make.  Jeremy has two job offers! Amazing!  But one is here in Charlotte and one would require a move to Wilmington, NC.  The Wilmington job is a dream job.  There's just no other way to put it.  The job here is a good job as well, but it just doesn't compare when it comes to benefits, salary, etc...  And the job here would be a substantial pay cut. But with all of that in mind, this is our home.  We love living here.  It's all we've known as a married couple, except for a brief time we lived in Angier, it's all our kids have known.  We love our church, school, and precious, precious friends. Of course, leaving my family seems unbearable.  I try not to even think about that, cause I become a puddle of tears. So how do you weigh this stuff?  Let me tell you, it's the hardest decision we have EVER had to make.  We don't make decisions because money is better or because I can't bear to leave.  We will make this decision based on what we feel God is calling us to.  Even if I don't like it. One bit. And so far, I.don'  We've written budgets both ways, considered selling everything but the children, sought counsel upon counsel, wrestled with all the decisions, prayed, and begged God to make Himself clear.
  Will you pray with us?  We would like to make the decision by next week.

I really want to escape to a place like this....

But God is my oasis.  And He's my Strength and Hope.

 Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Dog Lover

This kid loves this dog

As a matter of fact, she said "Reilly" before she said anyone else's name.

And yes, I know that last picture looks gross.  But she's not actually licking Reilly's tongue:)

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Today Jeremy and I celebrate twelve years of marriage!

I am going to attempt to write twelve things about you, Jeremy Grey Gibson, that I love.....
 Devoted: You are so devoted to me and to our girls.  As the years go by, I marvel at your care for us.  Just last night I stopped to think for a second about how you go the extra mile.  Often something little, many times it's something big.  
 Journey: God has taken us on quite a journey over the past few years.  A friend a I were recounting today how over and over God has called our family to trust Him. period. He hasn't shown us His plan yet He has asked us to follow.  And you have followed well.  You have led our family through these years with faith and trust, knowing God's plan is better than ours.
 Love: You love me, seriously.  I don't know how or why you do.  I definitely don't deserve it. I am selfish and hateful and lots of other things.  Yet, I never ever have to doubt that  Thank you for that.  What a comfort to hear it from your lips everyday, and to sense it even when you aren't saying it. wow.

Integrity: You have  amazing integrity. ( You all know by now, he got laid off at the end of November.  It was a shock.)  But you marched right back into the office the next day.  Why?  Because you wanted to shake hands with each and every person in that office and tell them goodbye personally.  You told me you wanted to encourage them.  Our friend that works there also called you to tell you how everyone was commenting on how you he handled yourself.  I praise the Lord for your integrity.  Glory to Him.

 Goofball: Oh yes, you know he is!  I love how you make me laugh, everyday.  I always crack up at something you are doing or saying.  Whether it's a stupid joke or one of the million crazy things you do.  You make life fun.
Hardworker: I know I say this every year.  But you just go above and beyond in this area.  Since the second you were laid off you have worked your buns off trying to find another job.  Thank you.  Really.  You never took "me time." You never asked for a break of any kind.  You got right to work.  They say the hardest job is looking for a job, and I totally agree!

 Friend: By God's grace, I feel we are becoming better and better friends.  Especially over this past year, I think God has really turned my heart towards you.  I have enjoyed our time together.  Whether it's talking or watching a silly movie, our time together has been sweet.

Goofball: Oh, I already said that.

Patience: Wow you have a ton of patience!  Patience to wait on the Lord. And certainly patience to put up with me.  When I am struggling you are often amazingly patient with me as I work through my sin.  You don't say much, you just wait till I'm ready.  I appreciate that.  And patience to wait on the Lord.  That really goes along with the journey He's called us to. You are walking it out with patience, trusting Him to guide us in the right direction.  And He will.

Gentle: You are such a gentle man.  One of the reasons I believe you have been given all girls:)  The way you care for them is so neat to watch.  I just love to sit back and watch you talk to them.  Whether you are teaching them something, or correcting them.  Your gentleness is noteworthy.

Diligent: You are diligent with our girls as you seek to lead them in the way they should go. As you train them to love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Communication: This has been the greatest struggle in our marriage from day one.  But by God's grace, I think we are getting somewhere!  I have enjoyed talking more and relating over the good, bad, and the ugly.

Respect: I respect you honey.  I respect you as my husband, as a Daddy, and as a child of God.

Sentimental:  This is one of my favorite characteristics about you.  Just now you brought me my present, in the box with that held my engagement ring 13 years ago.  It even has the hearts in that say "Marry me" (gross).  And you proceeded to cry as I opened it.  Awwwhhhh. You are so precious.  And I am glad you balance me out:) You cry, I laugh.  Just like our wedding day:) haha.  But as you sat here and cried, and I smiled and thanked you, all the characteristics above come flooding back.  This moment we just had is confirmation that are are indeed devoted, loving, caring, a hard worker, a man with integrity, a goofball, worthy of respect, patient, gentle, and diligent.

  I love you buddy.  And I pray that I get to be your wife for many many more years.