Okay, it's called 7x7. My friend Michelle tagged me so I am supposed to answer these things and tag seven other people.
Michelle, I just want to say I am doing this because I love you. But I am not doing anything else till you fix your blog:) Do a blogspot blog so it will be EASY to post pics and stuff. I am sure you can figure out how to add more pages.
7 things I'd like to do before I die:
1. Go back to Jamaica with Jeremy- where we had our honeymoon
2. Memorize the Word- at least a lot of the new testament books.
3. Figure out LOST, the show
4. See my children come to know the Lord and serve him with all their heart and soul
5. See those in my family who aren't saved come to know Jesus
6. Re-learn how to play the piano, I have a beautiful baby grand:)
7. Go on a medical mission trip
7 things I can't do well:
1. math
2. control my anger
3. keep a schedule
4. read a book- it takes me forever to finish one
5. be patient
6. use coupons at the store- I always forget!
7. communicate with Jeremy on a consistent basis what is going on-we're working on that:)
7 Favorite Movies:
Now I don't watch many, so we'll see..
1. The Sound of Music (I know technically not a movie, but...)
2. Annie (same applies)
3. Sweet Home Alabama
7 Things I say often:
1. "You may not"
2. "Say please"
3. "What just happened"
4. "Please forgive me"
5. "I love you"
6. "Hey, how are you?"
7. "Reilly, come"
7 things I'd like in a husband/like about my husband
1. He is such a servant to me and the girls
2. Very giving to others
3. Diligent
4. Has a passion for the gospel
5. Loves our children with all his heart
6. Loves his wife as Christ loved the church
7. A great builder:)
7 books and authors
this should be interesting
1. The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace
2. The commentary on Esther and Ruth by Iain Duguid
3. Heaven at Home by Ginger Plowman
4. Don't Make Me Count to Three by Ginger Plowman
5. Sacred Marriage by I can't remember
6. Feminine Appeal by Carolyn Mahaney
7. Mrs. C.H. Spurgeon by Ray
7 People I tag:
1. Erika Dahl
2. Marge Sweigart
3. Meghann Hasty
4. Eileen Blackburn, maybe she'll post again??
5. Dana Tweed
6. Jess Moore
7. Shawnda Kovacs
I love god!
3 years ago