Saturday, November 29, 2008


Please enjoy:)  I sure did!  Sorry it's a little wobbly, I was laughing so hard I couldn't keep the camera still:)

There are some other men in there you will recognize.  And I am sure they will kill me once they see this.  But that's okay, I'm not scared.  Matt Lucas and Craig Tweed are the ones...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

The gobbling post is still coming!  Our internet has been down for three days so I just started working on it.  I'm having a little trouble:)  It's my first movie makin experience:)  Hopefully tomorrow....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

OOOOOhhhhh the deals:)

Calling all Ann Taylor Loft lovers!
  They are having a great sale in there!  The stuff on the sale racks in the back are an additional 40% off!
  AND there are many items throughout the store that are also 40% off their regular price.

For instance, what kind of blogger wouldn't have a personal example to share;)  
  I bought a pair of ivory cords for $15!!  And a beautiful dress for our cruise for I think $25.  And a short for $5!  And, and.  Well I better stop there, my hubby does read this blog:)

Gianna Jessen

My friend Rob sent me this compelling two part video from Godtube. It's quite amazing to hear this abortion SURVIVOR tell her story.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Star Wars Friends

This is for you! My friend Lisa posted it on her blog. It's Really neat!

Thanksgiving Interactive Dinner

On Friday night we had an interactive Thanksgiving Dinner for our co-op.  It was a ton of fun!!

What we are thankful for...
There was tons of food....
These two are the brains and super servants of the Lake Norman Classical Conversations group.  Bethany and Tina.  Ladies, if you are reading, THANK YOU for all you do for us!  You are a huge blessing!!
So here is what you do at an interactive dinner:)  Each family is put into a group and you get a letter of the word "Thanksgiving"  And each class has a letter too.  

Gracie is an Abecedarian. That means "learner of the ABCs in latin" (I think;) So here they are singing, "In 1492, Columbus made the first of 4 trips to the Caribbean on three spanish ships, the Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria."
The most hilarious part...The group that had "G" did a gobbling and strutting contest for the men.  Oh my, we were crying we were laughing so hard.  And lucky for you, I have video of it:)  You won't see pics of Jeremy because I was videoing him.  It will be worth your time!

This was really funny too!  The Lucas' and their group did a "Voting for the Visually Impaired Chef" Contest for the letter "V"  They had the men blindfolded and they had to decorate a cake with their trusty assistant, one of the kids.  Sammy and his partner Jeremy Davidson pulled out the victory!
Can you guess who this is?
That's Christopher the pilgrim:)
And who won the gobbling and strutting contest???  You got it!  Jeremy and his gang!!  Go babe, I am so very proud.  HA ha ha!!!  He got the golden turkey award:))
What are the Gibson's thankful for???  Piper and cows apparently
Stay tuned for our presentation and the video of the gobbling and strutting:)

Did she do it?

We started off the day with a little encouragement from Mom and Dad.  We got her a ballet shoe ornament and wrote her a letter..."Dear Gracie Girl, Mommy and Daddy wanted to buy you these ballet shoes to remind you to be brave today.  God will take care of you and help you do great!  "You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength."  We'll be watching and cheering!  Love Mommy and Daddy     GO GRACIE!!!!

Piper hammed it up for us before the recital began.  She had her own little dance going on
Gracie in costume....complete with hair in bun, a must for a ballerina!
   Her cute little class..Leah, Lyric, Gracie, Meredith, and Marielle
DO YOU SEE HER????  That would be a big fat NO!  She made it to the doorway and then we heard "I don't want to go."
Some of the other performances.  They were so good!  Janelle, pictured above, does an outstanding job with the kids.

Oh and in case you were wondering, the "they" that heard Gracie say "I don't want to go," was Me, Jeremy, Nanny, Mimi, Meemaw, Aunt La La, Tristen, and Bella.  Yep, the whole crew there front and center.  But no Gracie.

Well, dancing days are over for Gracie for now.  And just in case you were wondering, yes she did tell me she wanted to do this.  I didn't make her:)

Piper is ready to go!  She keeps saying she wants to dance.  Oh there will be much more entertainment to come:)

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Okay, so I forgot to post before pictures of my bathroom.  I just went through all the 8500 photos on my computer and there aren't any good ones!  Crazy!   Sorry Laurie:( I'll just say, it was REALLY bad when we bought the house.  We remodeled it some then, but it was still terrribly disorganized and had an enormous tub in it that we made into a shower temporarily.  But none of that exists anymore:)  Yipee!

Update on Gracie and dancing:)
  She still says she's not going to do it.  Any suggestions???
  Bribing?  Already tried..."Gracie, if you dance I'll bring you back to Target and let you pick out a toy:)"
  Gracie "What do I need a toy for?"
  Hmmm, that was successful.

Piper this morning: (She's been a riot today):

  I am in the shower and she comes running in there....
 "Mommy, my hair bow is stuck.  I can't get it off. (She is pulling her shirt really hard)
  Me: "Piper, that's not a hair bow, that's a bow for your shirt
 "It won't come off"
  Me: "It's not supposed to come off"
  She's still distraught:  I want it off. 
  Me:  "If you want to, go get another shirt, but don't rip the bow off."

Then later she comes in wearing it, guess she got over it .......  

It does look like a hair bow.

I get out of the shower...
Piper: "Moooommmm, Reilly slobbed up your carpet"
Me:  "She did what?"
Piper: "She slobbed it up.  Lemme show you."
Mom comes in to the den to find out she did indeed slob up my carpet!  She threw up on it.  Yuck!

A little while later.....
Piper: "Mom, I'm hungry."
Me: "What would you like to eat Piper?"
Piper: "em ems"  (translation- M&Ms)
um, yeah, it's 9:00 in the morning.

Gracie yet a little while later......
Gracie "Mom, what is Piper's middle name?"
Me: "Helene, remember, she is named after Nanny?"
G: "What's her last name?"
me: "The same as yours, what's your last name?"
G: "Ummm, Brooke?"
Me: "No, that's your middle name, what's your last name?"
G: "Ummm, Gibson.  Yes!  We are the Gibsons!"
me: "Yes! We are the Gibson's!"
She starts singing, "We are the Gibsons! and then she interjects, and we love to Panthers!"
me, laughing: "And who else do we love?, (thinking she would say the Pirates:))
G: "And we love Jackson!"

Oh yes we do!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

It is finished!!!!!

Our bathroom is finally done!!!  Hooray!
When we moved in, after almost totally gutting our house down to the studs, we weren't able to remodel our bathroom fully.  So last year for Christmas Jeremy's gift to me was to redo the bathroom.  But he said it would be done by September!  I tried to be patient, after all he has more than a full plate right now.  But he started working on it a few months ago and two weeks ago we moved back in to it.  I love it!  Thank you love for all your hard work.

Laurie, people rarely pick black cabinets!  So I thought it was really fun that you did too:)

I love these cabinets:)  They are black distressed with bead board.  And the drawers are nice and roomy.  And we each have three of our very own.  Yipee!
This is our shower.  It has two shower heads:)
And our very fun cabinet over the toilet.  Love this one too.  It's so roomy.
I call these my jewels:)  They are in the shower.
The granite we chose is called golden tulip.

I learned a lot about what my poor husband deals with on a daily basis. He is a builder and has to deal with subs all day long.  I respect you and your patience!!
Remodeling is no fun!  We just put granite in our kitchen too.  People in and out of your house all the time, making messes, not showing up when they should, and not bringing the right things when they do come.  But it's worth it in the end:)

More posts coming this week!  Friday is a big day.  Gracie has her first dance recital in the morning and we all have a Thanksgiving dinner that night for our co-op.  It's an interactive dinner.  We each have a part but it's top secret:)  Should be fun!
Pray for that recital!  Think she'll do it???

Chuck E. Cheese

Our friends Phillip and Patricia called us a few Saturday nights ago and asked us to go to Chuck E. Cheese with them.  This was Gracie and Piper's first time:)

Awwwh Mom, do you remember this?  We have pictures of me on this thing for my fourth birthday.

It was crazy crowded in there but the girls and Luke and Ethan still had fun!  We'll take them back soon and teach them how to play the games:)


These are quite late, but we did go out on Halloween.  These pictures are in the wrong order:(

So...last we went trick or treating
Piper thought that was the greatest thing ever!  You mean you just go to the door and they give you candy??  Awesome!

Pipes and Daddy
We went to Stonebridge for their festival to start out the night
Here's Spiderman Jackson, Connor the bear and Zander the lion, Gracie-Dora, and Dorothy-Ellie
Gracie loved the big slide
On Wednesday night mom and dad's church had their trunk or treat.  This is my mom.  Love this picture of her:)
This is so fun!  My sisters and I grew up with the moms of all these kids.  Jack is in the back and not at all thrilled that he had to be in the picture, McKenzie is Cinderella, and Jake is an elephant.
Mimi and Gracie
Syndey had to be held by Mr. Jeremy the whole time:)
Tristen and Grace
Princess Sydney
Pipes was a fairy mermaid.  But she told everyone she was tink-er-bell!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Hey all,
  Jordan went to the oncologist on Friday.  They said he will take chemo in a pill form.  He shouldn't get too sick and he can finish school!!!  Can you believe that?!!  God has been working through your prayers, I know it!  Do you remember that they told him there wasn't much hope?  Now they are telling him he will love and long healthy life!! And he won't even get sick or lose his hair:)

  What great things the Lord has done!

  I will update you when he starts his chemo.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Seven Prayers A Day

Go over to Angie's blog and read about the seven prayers a day she has come up with to pray over her children.  Awesome idea!  I am convicted and I want to do this for my girls.  You will want to too:)  It's so easy to pray, why don't I do it more?

I went to sleep....

Can you believe it???  I went to bed, didn't even stay up to watch the moment!  I'm a little sad I didn't.  And I kept waking up wondering what happened.  I should have just gone and turned on the TV to see and then gone back to sleep.  

Well, Congratulations Mr. Obama! What a victory for you and the democratic party.  And more importantly, what a victory for African Americans everywhere.  I do rejoice with you in that. Maybe this will greatly help to bridge the racial gap.  I will be praying for you.  Wow you have a whole lot waiting for you come January, when you take the oath and move in to the White House.  I pray that God would be your guide and that He would convict you where you don't hold His standards.  I pray that you will be on your knees before Him as you seek to lead us.  You have a high and holy calling.  You can't do it on your own.  You need Him , more than you know.  I pray for your precious little girls.  Now their life is completely different from what they once knew.  May God protect them.  And would you please consider, as you tuck these little girls in at night, that the lives of the unborn are just as precious to God as your girls are to you?  That this is not above your pay grade to care for them? The ball is in your court Mr Obama, will you choose life and obey God or will you please man?
Most people voted for you because they value their money.  They want to have more and more and they are fearful about what might happen to what they have now. But many of us don't care about money.  We care about the unborn, marriage between a man and a woman, supreme court justices who adhere to God's Word.  We care about serving and pleasing God in every area.  Will you join us?

Wow, that kind of just came out:)  But there it is, that's where I am.  I will be praying for Mr. Obama and his family.  And I will be praying for his salvation.

On another note:  I just finished listening to a 40 days for life telecast.  It's a post campaign one where they talked about the election and the affects it will have.  Although there are tons of things about Obama being elected and the democratic advantage in every arena that are devastating, they reminded us on the telecast that no laws, no government really changes abortion.  Abortion doesn't happen in the court house, white house, or anywhere else like that.  It happens in our neighborhoods.  And that is where we must be out fighting for life and for these moms.  The people on the call were also hopeful that the Freedom of Choice Act won't pass even if Obama pushes it.  Let's pray for that.


   So, here's my two cents (like I haven't already given you a dollars worth:))  I think God is calling the church to action.  It's about time we really weighed if we are for or against God.  Are we serious about our faith and upholding God's Word?? Or are we more concerned with the things of this world?  We are in a time of testing and God is going to sift the wheat from the chaff.  Are we going to value what God values- like the unborn, orphans, and marriage between a man and a woman only.  Are we willing to stand up for what is right?  We'll see.  I pray we do.

  Go check out what Randy Alcorn had to say today.  It's very worth the read. 

Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Eve

Well here we are, on the eve of the most monumental election of our time. (Bear with me, I might ramble a little here.)
   I cried myself to sleep last night.  Why? Because babies are being murdered around here, 1.2 million a year.  I watched a you tube video on Randy Alcorn's blog.  Boy, it was the hardest thing I have ever watched.  It was insanely graphic.  Those images will forever be imprinted on my mind. But it was good.  I needed to see it.  I needed to know exactly what this genocide is doing to our children.  The main reason I was so upset is because I wanted to know why God allows this. My friend Cindy has been helping me today with that very question.  But I am angry with God.  WHY Lord? Why does this go on???  Can't you just end it?  Come Lord Jesus come.  I am ready to go home.
   Well, I think much of why God allows things like this is a mystery.  But some of it is not.  He wants us to press into Him and trust Him. When I see things like abortion happening, He is whom I must cling to.  He loves these babies far more than I do.  He created them.  And praise God they are with Him in heaven!

Back to the election, I promise, I am getting somewhere with all of this.  I am tempted to again ask God why? Why Lord would you even allow Obama to get this close to us?  This close to becoming our leader? Lord, he wants to sign a bill (first thing once he's elected) that will allow babies to be killed up to nine months of age.  Even ones that come out living and breathing, he will let them die in a soiled utility room!  Oh Lord, how much longer?  Abortion will get so much worse!

Then I read this morning in my devotions.  "Nothing can stand in the way of the purposes of the sovereign and omnipotent God, who called heaven and earth into being and out of nothing."  
     That's right!  Yes, God is in control and He promises to never leave us or forsake us.  If we are believers and have a personal relationship with Him, we have all the hope we need.  God is our ruler and our King. And he promises to protect us.  He appoints whom he will to the oval office and I am going to trust Him.  I am also going to pray for the president.  Even if it's Obama.  He will need them! Whomever he is.  I can't imagine getting that job.  Our whole nation and the ones around us are in a mess.
When Abram's faith faltered and He went to Egypt instead of Canaan, his logic was fatally flawed.  He had forgotten the God he served was greater than his problems.  Wow, that's where we are today isn't it?  The God we serve is much greater than any election and he's greater than the evil surrounding abortion.  And we have His promise that he wins!  He will ultimately conquer all the death and evil!  Praise God for that hope!

Will you join me in prayer today and tonight and tomorrow for our nation?  

 "I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they shall never hold their peace day or night.  You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, and give Him no rest till He establishes and makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth."  Isaiah 62:6-7
God cares for us and He is listening to our pleas.

"If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."     2 Chronicles 7:14
Pray for our nation to return back to the Lord.    Pray for our eyes to be opened when we get in that voting booth.  That we would choose a leader who will protect what God holds dear.

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.  We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express."  Romans 8:26

"Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.  But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night."  Psalm 1:1-2
Pray that our leader will seek the Lord.  That they will appoint judges, military personnel, and all other positions to men and women who fear the Lord.

"But it is God who judges: He brings one down, he exalts another." Psalm 75:7
Pray for God's restraining hand, to prevent unrighteous people from being re-elected or placed into office for the first time.
  Acknowledge the Lord as King over heaven and earth.

"Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities.  For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God." Romans 13:1
We can rest in this and pray for our new leaders in faith.  This is a sovereign placement from God.
I will rest in God's arms and his sovereignty today and tomorrow as I watch him appoint this president.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

40 Days for Life

Today is the last day of the 40 Days for Life campaign, but the work of interceding for the unborn is far from over.  Over the past 40 days there have been 450+ babies saved from abortion and 450+ women who are able to live without facing the pain and regret of killing their own child.  Glory to God!
  I just listened to an audio on the 40 days for Life website that wrapped up the fall campaign.  Here is what David Bereit says we should do now:
         1. Pray like we have never prayed before!
         2. Fast as you feel led
         3. Come and pray at the abortion mills
         4. Discern the ongoing roles God has for you in this ministry
         5. Recognize the crucial nature of this election.  There will be 1-4 supreme court justices who will retire during this term.  So the president gets to appoint the new ones.  This will completely change the make-up of the court- pro-life, or pro-choice.  And I might add, did you know that the first bill obama wants to sign in to law is the Freedom of Choice Act???  It's a law which will overturn every anti-abortion law written in the past 30 years.  The sky is the limit as to what abortions will be allowed under this.  We must be fervent in our prayers.

    Well, I hope your heart has been stirred to action as a result of the past 40 Days.  Mine sure has.  I can't wait to see how God calls me to care for the unborn and their moms.  Thanks to all of you who have prayed.  Keep it up!