Thursday, January 29, 2009

We are still alive!

We are still alive here!  Just been busy moving our friends in:) Yipee:)  The Balts and the Hollemans moved in on Saturday.  Thank you Lord!

And I did make it to the Memorial Service for the Roe v. Wade Anniversary.  It was moving.

This is a picture of a statue at the corner of Trade and Tryon, where the service was held.
These pictures haven't been edited, so they aren't cropped well, but there were several of these signs that showed babies who have been saved from abortion through faithful pro life workers who are out at the clinics standing in the gap.
This sweet girl went to the clinic for an abortion a few weeks ago but God had another thing in store for her!!  She met Flip there, the guy beside her, and he shared the love of Christ with her and her baby was saved!  She came and shared her testimony.
Here is Flip, founder of Operation Save America, envisioning us.

 After the service, several of the people who were there walked a few blocks over to where Planned Parenthood was holding a luncheon to celebrate all the babies they have murdered.  Did you hear me, they were celebrating!  Disgusting!


One last thing....I would really appreciate your prayers for my migraines.  Since I am pregnant, I can't take my normal meds.  So my migraines are lasting for 48 hours.  And I am in bed for all 48 of them.  As you can imagine, that's a chunk of life that I am missing in action. A HUGE thank you to my mom and sisters who have taken the girls EVERY time!  Literally, Jeremy drops them off one day and goes back to get them 2 days later.  I can't thank you guys enough.
I am supposed to see a neurologist soon.  My Ob is working on a referral for me.  Although, I don't know what else they can do.  They have tried Percocet and Vicodin, but neither touch it.  In case you are wondering, I can't take my Imitrex because it's a vasoconstrictor which would hinder the blood supply going to the baby.
Thank you all for caring for me.  For your prayers and your constant concern for me and my family.

More soon:)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Roe vs. Wade

Operation Save America/Operation Rescue Press Release • 1/23/2009
36th Memorial of Roe v. Wade
Crowd at Roe v Wade Memorial

Local pastors, business leaders, crisis pregnancy center directors, and Christians will join Operation Save America for a press conference and a Memorial Service, mourning 36 years of unabated child-killing.  Their purpose: to end child-killing in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina, by bringing the theology of the church house into the streets – right to the doors of the three local abortion mills in this city!

It has been 36 years since that day of infamy on January 22, 1973, when our Supreme Court unleashed the floodgates of hell and murder upon this nation.  For 36 years the Church of Jesus Christ has sat silently by and tolerated a lie that is destroying our nation.  We have said, “Abortion is wrong, but it is not my calling.”  Today, over 50 million children are dead.  NO MORE!

NO MORE, will we sit passively by while little children die.  NO MORE, will we wait for the President, the Congress, the Supreme Court, or the Republican Party to save the lives of unborn children.  NO MORE, will we peacefully coexist with child-killing in our city!   WE ARE AT WAR!      

“Abortion will come to an end in Charlotte, when the Church of Jesus Christ makes up her mind it will come to an end – not one second sooner,” said Rev Flip Benham, National Director of Operation Save America.  “The responsibility for ending abortion in the city of Charlotte and in America rests squarely upon the shoulders of the Church of Jesus Christ.”

    What: Memorial Service
 Where: Corner of Trade and Tryon in downtown Charlotte
   When: Thursday morning, January 22, 2009 
     Time: 11:30 AM 
Contact: Flip Benham 980-722-4920

I plan to be there today, listening and interceding for the unborn.  Please be on your knees as well.  Flip is right, until the Christians stand up, abortion will not end!!

And please know that our new president is intent on expanding the rights of those seeking abortions, expanding the services and making it easier to get them....

On the eve of tomorrow's 36th anniversary of the Roe
v. Wade Supreme Court decision that imposed abortion
on all 50 states, news is breaking on how the new
presidential administration's attack on innocent
human life is about to begin.

As a first payback to the abortion industry that
helped get him elected, President Obama is reportedly
preparing to issue an executive order TOMORROW to
strike down the "Mexico City policy" -- a lifesaving
measure that currently prohibits U.S. taxpayer
dollars from funding international abortion groups.

See the CNN story at:

And the abortion industry has mapped out marching
orders for Obama to radically expand abortion during
his first 100 days in office -- at a cost of $4.6
BILLION to American taxpayers.

Read the abortion plans:

As 1 Timothy 2 exhorts us, we must pray for our new
American president.

And, in the midst of these challenges, we remember
the words of Isaiah 9:2... "The people walking in
darkness have seen a great light; on those living in
the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned."

This latter part was taken from the 40 days for Life campaign.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What a Day!

Update****- Well, the inspection office is closed today.  So, no COs:(  Really this is par for the course for what we have been through.  God is still good and He is still in control.  We will get the COs in his perfect timing and not a moment sooner.
  If we needed a miracle before, we really need one now.  Hopefully they will inspect tomorrow.  They will probably fail and be reinspected hopefully on Friday.  BUT that means it would have to work just beautifully so that the heat and electricity can be turned on before businesses leave for the weekend.  Oh we are close, so close.

It's be so fun teaching Gracie about the inauguration today.  We have a book about the presidents and we went through it and talked about the huge job of the president.  And that God ordains them.  Then to be able to go and watch what you read about-awesome!

What a BIG day today is!  I am currently glued to the TV watching the inauguration coverage.  What a piece of history.


Then there is the snow.  Hmmmm, a slight little dusting.  But it is still snowing at my house so at least we get to enjoy it falling:)  It is beautiful.

Actually it is a blessing that we didn't get the 2-4 inches of snow.  It's a big day around here too.  Today we are getting the CO (certificate of occupancy) inspections on the houses.  It would be a complete miracle for them to pass today, they never pass them the first time.  But we are hopeful they will pass by this weekend so our friends can move in!  Pray for all of us.  We sure would appreciate it.  We have two families to move in this weekend, Lord willing.

Well, I am off to my OB appointment.  Then back home to watch the snow and the inauguration and pray for these houses to get done.
It's a big day indeed.

Monday, January 19, 2009


*****Update****- Marge had a good point that I meant to talk about earlier.  It's of course best to get stains out when they are fresh, but in reality that rarely happens.  So these products have helped me get these stains out even after setting for days.  Even after I have washed and dryed them, when I really forget.

 Some say I have a knack for getting stains out.  It's genetic.  My mom and Meemaw can get anything out!  I have gotten a few calls for help and some friends even bring me their stuff:)

So I thought a post was in order on what I use.  
Actually, I have quite an arsenal.  No product will get every stain out!

The latest and greatest thing I just found is shout advanced for GREASE stains!  Yes, you heard that right folks, there is finally a product out there for grease stains that actually works!!!  Just spray some of this bad boy right on that grease and throw it in the wash....Voila, the stain is gone!  Seriously!

The next is just good ole Shout Advanced.  Lots of people say they don't have luck with Shout, but I always have.  I use this for most everyday stains.  So unless you read me pointing out a specific product for a certain stain, use this one.  It works well on blood too.
This is hand cleaner that many shops use.  Mechanics, etc that get really greasy and grimey.  My Dad taught me this one.  He's and oil man and he came in the house one day and got grease all over Mom's rug.  I was in horror but he said, just go get some Go-Joe and it will come right out.  And he was right!  I stood in amazement.  I just wiped it on with a rag and wiped the grease right up!  It doesn't always work on clothes but it does many times.  It can work on general stains too, I just usually use the Shout Advanced Gel.
This one I am showing you is a generic brand.  I prefer Go-Joe but they started making it with pumice in it.  Makes total sense for men's hands, but not for my clothes.  Dad says if you go to an auto supply place you can get Go-Joe without the pumice in it.  I just go steal some of his:)
And another favorite...Spot Shot!  This is carpet cleaner.  I do use it for that but more importantly, I use it to get ink stains out.  Just spray it on and watch the ink disappear. Clothes, couches, whatever.
  So there you have it.  My dryer just beeped, it's laundry day!

  If you are in a laundry quandry, just call me! 
 Or you can just bring me the clothing:)


Seriously?  Are we going to get to use them?

 For all you non-news watchers, Steve Udelson has promised me that indeed tonight, I will get snow!  Glad to know this ridiculously cold weather is good for something!  Well, I guess ridiculous is relative given the fact that it's -22 degrees in Minnesota!!  Anyway, it's supposed to start raining at 4 this afternoon, switch to a wintery mix at 9 tonight and be full snow by midnight and blisfully snow until mid morning tomorrow!  Can you tell I am excited?  And I have two very excited little girls:)  They were so bummed when it started snowing yesterday morning (yes most of you were in church but we have been home battling the stomach bug) and I had to tell them that it wasn't going to stick.  
  Well girls, this one is going to stick!  Steve says 2-5 inches!  I'll take it.  Brings back memories for me.  Does it for you?  My parents have some great hills to sled down.  Have to call mom later today and see if she knows where the sleds are!  And my Dad is an oil man, so we had those huge inner tubes from the truck tires to use.  Ahhh, that was super fun. And 4-wheelers, we would pull each other behind that thing for hours.
  Expect tons of pictures of my snow babies tomorrow:)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Dirty Water

I'm not sure where to begin, so I'll just start writing...

  One of the surprises of doing all this building was that we had to give up our well and switch to city water.  This country girl has been none to happy about that.  I really don't care for city water, I was raised on a well.  It's so much better for you, they can't add all those chemicals to my water! (Another soap box for another day).  So I have been complaining in my heart about this one.
  Plus, our yard is a mud pit from the lines that had to be put in for the new water lines.  More money, more mud, more... you get the point.  And when you put in new lines, it's common to get muddy water in your lines.  So when you turn on the faucet, you get muddy water.  We have had the new lines in for about three weeks now and hadn't seen any muddy water since the beginning.  But the other night when I put Piper in the bath, it was muddy.  I kept running it trying to get the water to turn clear, but it was taking a long time and it was getting cold.  So I was sitting there, thinking about this video...

And so, I bathed Piper in that slightly muddy, barely warm water.  And we had a long talk about how so many people around the world don't have clean water.  And that they have to walk a long way just to get "dirty" water. I couldn't get the picture of that little girl and her siblings out of my head.  And every time I am tempted to complain about my city water, God quickly pricks my heart with this story.  I am so spoiled.

 This lesson was good for my soul.

Baby Levi

Last week, on the 8th, my dear friend Mandy gave birth to her first baby.  Levi!  He weighed in at 8 lbs and 1 oz.
Here she is at her shower.  She would hurt me if I posted pictures of her in the hospital:)
Baby Levi!  Isn't he adorable?
wrinkly little feet and all....
The best part for me?  Mandy asked me to be there for the delivery:)  What an honor.  I was supposed to help her push but she ended up needing a c-section after a very long labor.  She was such a trooper.  And hey, once you're a mom, it doesn't matter how the baby comes.
Gracie and Piper begged to go see baby Levi in the hospital.  I was going to wait until they got home.  But I caved and took them anyway:)
Little Pipey loved holding this sweet one.  She had Mandy doing all kinds of tricks.  "Can I see his head, take his hat off?  Can we unwrap him?"  Mandy was so kind to let her explore what a newborn is like.
Congratulations sweet friend on the birth of your precious baby boy!  And thank you for letting me be a part of it.  I loved every minute of being there with you.  Can't wait to hold him and see you again soon.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Move Baby Move

I think I can safely say I AM FEELING THE BABY MOVE!!!!

At first when I felt it on Saturday I thought I was crazy.  "I'm only ten weeks."  But I felt it yesterday and just now too:)

Oh it's the best feeling in the whole world:)

***Update-  From the comments...don't mind Michelle, she is a little crazy. And if there is two, she will have her fifth child.
  And for Marge, I know it does seem quite early and I thought the same thing but a friend who is pregnant with me felt it this early.  I thought she was crazy (sorry Lisa, I do believe you and I love you:)) and since I was a labor/OB High Risk/Postpartum nurse I've been around tons of pregnant ladies.  And I had an ultrasound at six weeks that showed ONE baby (that was for Michelle although she still doesn't believe me) and it measured six weeks old .  They are pretty accurate at that gestation.  So I don't know:)  I waited until I felt it several times to make sure. It's a feeling like no other!  Amazing!  But also Marge, I had to have an early ultrasound with Piper for dates and she did end up coming 10 days earlier than they said.  So maybe you're right.  That would be a bonus!  And does that mean the sickness will end sooner?:) Ooohhh, I hope you're right!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Difficult Work of Waiting

Do you have those devotions where God speaks directly to you?  Sure, we all do.  Somedays it's really clear to me and others, well not so much.  Today is one of those days where it is clear as a bell.  
I am reading "Living in the Gap Between Promise and Reality," a reformed commentary on the "Gospel according to Abraham" by Iain Duguid.  I started reading it last year and then went to something else.  Well, I'm back and boy is it good!
Today the chapter is from Genesis 16, where Sarai tells Abram to take Hagar and try to accomplish the promised blessing.  They were willing to try to make it happen on their own, instead of waiting on God to fulfill his promise.  You all know the rest of the story and the mess that created.
 So here is what I read, "An attitude of impatience and distrust is intensely dangerous.  You are eager to see events unfold and have grown weary of waiting for God to act.  You are anxious to see the way ahead, instead of walking by faith.  You want to see every obstacle removed immediately."
 BAM!  There it is.  When I read that, I knew it was for me today.  Most of you are aware of the building we are doing over here on our land.  So I won't rehash all of it, except to say it's been the hardest thing we have ever done and there have been obstacles at every turn.  Well, here we are a year and a month from the day that our dear friends signed papers to buy their land and start building their houses.  They should have been in them 4 months ago.  Today, two of them are 99.9% complete and we are waiting on our final inspections. (The third one started much later than the first two).
  What's going on in my heart?  Not much faith.  I am anxious to see this done, to see my friends get their houses and to have my husband back.  I have grown weary of waiting on God.  It's been long enough!  Two years now! I want to see every obstacle removed immediately.  I want these inspections signed off pronto.  No more, fix this and do that just because the inspector wants it his way (which is totally subjective we have learned). Let's just be done here Lord!  We've endured enough!!

  Then Mr Duguid says, "But what do you do when it seems the desires of your heart are good and proper, yet they remain as unfulfilled as ever?  You must continue to wait for God's timing.  God is not slow-but neither is he in a hurry."
We wholeheartedly believe God called us to this monumental task.  And that He will bring it to pass.  But there have been many days where I have wondered what we were thinking!  Then I have to remind myself of what I just stated, this is God's project, not ours.  The desires of my heart are good, to see God's plan continue to unfold and for the vision of Treasure Cove to begin.  Friends living together, glorifying God and raising our children to love and serve Him. That's our heart and that's the heart of the Balts, Hollemans, and Lucases. BUT I MUST WAIT ON GOD'S TIMING.  HE IS NOT SLOW NOR IS HE IN A HURRY!!
I am convicted.  I have repented this morning of my unbelief in what God is doing in and through me and through this project.  When I read this, I just groaned cause I knew it was just what I needed and the sins were mine.

"But, like a patient and long-suffering parent, God bides his time, neither delaying nor hurrying, until every thing is in place.  Then-and not a moment sooner-he gives us the good things he has promised."  
Amen! He will finish the work he has begun. When the timing is perfect and not a moment 
sooner! So from this day forward, Lindsay is going to trust Him and lay it all at his feet knowing it will be done in His perfect timing.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Dinner and 2 months

Last night, Gracie came walking into the family room with my camera around her neck!  I about had a heart attack, but I recovered quickly enough to see that my sweet hubby bought me an external flash for my camera for our anniversary! At least he had a good excuse for letting my five year old hold my camera!  But I just couldn't get upset, cause Gracie was the cutest little thing holding that big old camera.  And she was snapping away.  She took this pic of us.  Didn't she do good?  I see photography in her future:)  

  We had a nice dinner at Maggiano's down at Southpark.

 And here you have it, the first belly picture.  People, that's only 8 weeks right there.  I was this big 20 weeks with the girls!  Gees!

 And by the way, I am feeling a little better:)  I went to Bobby's last week and he gave me some supplements to help with the nausea and the intestinal issues I was having.  Praise the Lord, they are helping.  Hopefully, only three more weeks of the ickyness anyway and we'll be good!

Christmas Eve

So I did find some Christmas Eve pictures on my camera of these super duper cutie patooties!

We had the Mannino clan over for Christmas Eve dinner before we all went to the service at church. 

  Piper, Alyssa, Gracie, and Faith
  These two crack us up.  They are so much alike, it's scary! They have lots of fun together.

  The Manninos helped us eat Jesus' birthday cake too:)  It was cute watching all of them sing to Jesus.  That's what I want them to remember....

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy 10th Anniversary

Ten years ago today at 2 pm, Jeremy and I said our vows.  That seems crazy to me!  I can't believe we've been married that long.

"Do you Lindsay take Jeremy to be your husband? To live together after God's ordinance-in the holy estate of matrimony?  Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon him your heart's deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?


But even more than what I promise to do, I want to honor you, Jeremy Grey Gibson for the way you have upheld these vows in our marriage. (Ya'll, seriously....I married up! This man rocks).  
Thank you for loving me unconditionally.  I am not the most easy to love, yet you excel at loving me anyway.  I have never questioned your love and devotion to me.  You are a constant.

 Thank you for loving and comforting me during sickness.  Obviously this is at the forefront of my mind right now.  My you have gone above and beyond the call to serve and love your family and wife during these past several weeks.  Having pregnancy sickness is new territory for us but you have risen to the occasion.  You have cooked every meal, or at least heated it up;), cared for the girls mostly by yourself once you get home, you have cleaned for me, gone to the store, ran other errands, prayed for me, and been by my side.  I can't thank you enough.  And of course, when I have a migraine, you drop whatever you are doing to care for me and the girls.  No complaining, you just do it.  You are my hero.

 "For richer, for poorer," Because of your gift of money managing, we have been very blessed in this department. God has always provided far and above what we have needed.  Thank you for giving it away!  For being so generous with what God has given us.  Whether it's helping with an adoption, giving to World Vision, which you have done for 8 years now!, supporting our friends in Crusade, pro-life causes, or whatever it may be- you give freely.  I really appreciate that about you.

"For better, for worse," I can't recall much "worse" in our marriage.  Again, due to your humility and desire to please the Lord as you lead our family.  There have been lots of "betters."  It's been a privilege to share them with you as my husband.  Several of the betters for me are, our wedding day, our honeymoon in Jamaica, the day we held our little Gracie for the first time, the day we met Piper and snuggled her, the day we purchased this land, our dream.  I look forward to so many more "betters" with you.  And I know the "worses" will come and we will weather those too.

"To cherish and continually bestow upon her your heart's deepest devotion."  Well obviously, I think you excel at this.  You are devoted to me and to the girls like no man I have ever seen.  Thank you for being willing to do whatever it takes to care for us.  Lately, this has meant a ton of extra work for you.  Wow you are one devoted man!

"Keeping yourself only to her as long as you both shall live."  Thank you for taking this seriously in this day and time.  Thank you for keeping yourself only for me, both before we were married and now.  I do not take it lightly and I know the temptations are tremendous.

  Told you I married up!  Happy Anniversary my dear husband.  I love you tons.

                Yours Forever,

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Things that make you go Hmmmm.....

You might be wondering why there aren't any pictures on here from Christmas???
I offer you a very simple answer....I don't have ANY.  Nope, not a single ONE.  Very sad, but very true:(  I was in bed with a migraine from Christmas Eve till the day after Christmas, literally.  It's okay, no pity needed, it could have been much worse.  But just wanted to let you know why there aren't any pictures of my little ones enjoying the joys of Christmas.

I will tell you about it:)  I did get to rush them through their presents so I could see them open them.  That in itself is sad that the poor things didn't get to enjoy them cause their mom was hurrying them along.  But they survived.

The both got American Girl dolls and that was a highlight!  Gracie got Kit, and they really look alike!  And Piper got Ruthie.  They also got a bed and horse to go along with them. Oh and beauty chairs so they can style their hair while Kit and Ruthie are comfortable:) To top it off, Gamma made them and their dolls matching outfits:)
 Another favorite was princess shoes that light-up.  They wear those a lot.

It was a special year for us here.  Gamma and Papa came on Christmas Eve and spent the night with us.  It was so fun having them here to open presents with the girls on Christmas morning.

Then everyone was off to Nanny and Papaw's (my mom and dad's) for presents with them and my sisters, then Dad's side comes over for lunch. Then for dinner, they all went to Mimi's (My mom's moms).
Don't worry, Jeremy took good care of me:)  He was going to stay home with me but I insisted that he go and have fun.  He came back to check on me periodically.

I've really enjoyed seeing your Christmas pictures on your blogs!  Makes me feel like I didn't miss out as much.

AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!, by the way.