Sunday, December 4, 2011


This little girl is a hoot.  She is growing in leaps and bounds these days, especially in her vocabulary.  I spend most of the day just smiling and squeezing her for the cute and funny things she says:)

Some examples: When we drop the girls off for school...."Ont kiss Gaycee. Ont kiss Pipey" (I want to kiss Gracie, Pipey)
"Momma, sit heah"  (Momma, come sit here and play with me)

NO Ma'am (she hears that a lot)
yea ma'am (but just writing it does no justice to how she says it:)

She's always so good about saying " tank too" (thank you)

If she doesn't like something we do, she'll say "you mean" And when we give her the look, she quickly says "you niiiiice"  Which has now turned into an automatic "you niiiiice," when she wants to call us mean:)

One of her funny habits is to attach herself to a certain thing for the day.  Some days it's one of my shirts, sometimes it's her shirt, but this day it was La La's scarf.  And she wasn't giving it back for anything.  She wore it around the whole day.  She likes to rub things and suck her thumb.

La La had given up on ever getting it back.  But after two days we were able to rescue it from Reese without another thought of it.  She was on to the next thing.

But at the skating rink, and the whole day was hers

When I left for England the week before Thanksgiving I kissed her goodbye and was walking away.  She said, "I love uuuuu."  All on her own.  Melted my heart.

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