On Tuesday I am leaving on a jet plane bound for Africa! As most of you know, one of my closest friends is there adopting a sweet little girl. She's been there for seven weeks already and it's time for me to go spend some time with her and help her bring her baby home. Can you imagine??? SEVEN weeks away from your husband and other three children? My friend is a pillar of strength and her example of trusting the Lord through this adoption journey has been humbling. I can hardly wait to hug her and tell her how proud of her I am, and just catch up on these past SEVEN weeks! I doubt we'll get much sleep for a while:) And of course, I get to meet sweet MR!!! I can't wait to hug her either!!:)
I consider it a privilege to be able to go and serve in Africa. There are babies who need lovin and orphanages we will go to and help serve. Some of them have nothing, literally. The kids sleep 3-4 to a "bed," no mattress, just springs. They rarely eat, maybe every other day they get one meal. We hope to take food to them and activities for the kids. If you would be interested in being a part of helping these kids, email me.
Please pray for me! I am flying across the world by myself. I know God is going to protect me, and I trust Him. But I am really tempted to be fearful, especially about getting on to each flight! I will arrive in Africa on Wednesday afternoon.
Please pray for my dear friend and her court ruling. Once she gets the ruling we can apply for a visa and bring MR home! I will be able to go to court with her. We need prayer that the judge will actually give the ruling this week as scheduled, and give the written ruling asap, so we can apply for the visa. Then pray for the visa to come in as fast as possible. Honestly, nothing goes quickly over there. They're just not in a hurry.
God has been kind to use this time in Uganda to help mom and baby to attach to one another. There is still a long way to go, but the attachment is happening. Praise God.
As you can tell, I am not being too specific in this post to protect the situation, until the adoption is final.
I hope to blog while I am gone. So check back! The internet is really slow there so I'll do my best:)
I'll close with a sweet story. I was in Target yesterday buying presents for the little African sweetie:) As I was checking out the cashier said, "Somebody is going to love you!" I told her they were for a little girl my friend is adopting and that I was going to Africa to see them and help bring her home. She said, "Oh my goodness! What is your name?" I told her and she said, "Lindsay, I am going to pray for you." I told her to please do it and that I was nervous about flying by myself. She said, "Don't you worry Lindsay, God is going to take care of you!" And then a little time passed and she told me how proud of me she was. When she handed me my receipt, she said that she had already prayed for me.
It was kind of the Lord to use this lady to encourage me:) And to know she's praying brings me great comfort.
1 comment:
Lindsay - I don't have your email address, but I just wanted to know this adoption is huge on my heart, and I am going to be praying. I also would love to help out, please let me know how I can... Whether I can send a check, paypal, or some other way, I always love being able to participate a little closer to the "action" when there is a friend I know, like you, going!
It is exciting... And the nervousness is normal, but know that God has ordained and will be before you and behind you. He will be your Rod and his Word your Staff. I pray on the plane you will be flooded with peace and excitement.
Thanks for sharing this!!!
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