Thursday, November 15, 2007


At the Chris Tomlin concert, there was a speaker, Louie Giglio. I have never heard of him before, he is outstanding!! He is a dear friend of Chris' and they travel together. Louie always gives a message at the concert. So this year's theme is How Great is our God. So that is what his message was on. Let me tell you, it was incredible. He said his goal was to have everyone leave there realizing that God is way bigger than we thought before we came in. Well he definitely accomplished that!! I was going to tell you about the message but this guy did such a good job on his blog that you should read his. Please do it, it is soooo amazing How great our God is. It won't take but a minute. If you only have a second, scroll down to where he talks about laminin. And then post and tell me what you think. I was blown away at how truly great my God is. That He takes time for piddly ole me. Here's the link
Amazing Huh???


Madeira girl said...

Wow! That is very cool! Thank you for sharing. Where did you get the link to that guys blog anyway?

Kyle McDonald said...

Thanks for the kind words about my blog post!

In His Grip,

Lindsay said...

You are so welcome Kyle! Thank you for posting all that. I love the fact that I can go to your site and ponder God's goodness over and over! I was sad that I may not remember everything Louie shared, but you saved it all for me. So thank you!!!

Lindsay said...

I just googled laminin and Kyle's site came up! Thank you Lord!

michelle said...

Oh - I didn't recognize the speaker's name at first, but when I checked out Kyle's blog, I recognized it - Chris Chaney got a DVD of that "Indescribable" talk and I have a copy of it - really cool!!! You absolutely walk away AMAZED by the vastness of God!! I would love to get a copy of this new one, as I'm sure Chris would too. You'll have to come over to watch the Indescribable one!! I see Girls Nite in the future... :)

Amanda said...

Amazing! I had heard Louie's "Indescribable" talk before. I hope these guys come through my area again soon.


p.s. this is "amanda r." from before. :)