Monday, December 17, 2007


Well, it has continued to be crazy around here so I haven't been able to blog as much. So this is rather late in coming, I have wanted to honor these ladies for a few weeks.
I posted a help please email a few weeks ago for a dear friend Lori. She had 30 week old twin girls who are in the NICU and was in need of breast milk for them. She wasn't making enough herself and it costs $8 an ounce to buy it from the milk bank!!! That's $350 a day! So I just asked for this odd thing, "Can anyone donate any milk to these babies?" Well God always answers and this was no exception. Jessica Moore, Holly Morales, and Erika Dahl graciously agreed to pump for Lori!!!!! I mean, they quickly responded to my email! Jess called me and we had some tears over how God was moving women to care for another family in this way. I am so humbled by their sacrifice. These three ladies are nursing their own babies and then pumping for Jessie and Addie. This is certainly no walk in the park people! All you women are saying Amen about now:) What a gift! They are sustaining life for another woman's children:) Each week they bring their milk to me at church frozen. How kind of them! So I just wanted you all to be encouraged as you see God meet needs like this! And thank these women if you see them for their care for the Childress family. THANK YOU SERVANTS OF THE LORD!!! Love you all:)
Oh and Addie is home from the hospital!!! She came home on Saturday! Please pray for Joe, Lori and Macy as they adjust. Addie requires alot of care. Lots of meds and a 24 hour heart monitor. It is taking almost two hours to do one cycle of feeding, pumping, and giving meds and that's only for one baby! Then throw Macy into the mix as she is getting used to her baby sister.
Jessie will come home as soon as she learns how to eat enough out of the bottle. She has a cleft palate and they have had trouble finding a bottle she will take and then getting her to eat enough. Pray that she can get home soon!


Anonymous said...

I will definitely continue to pray for those little ones!!!!

Thank you Lindsay for serving Lori too-without you sending that e-mail, no one would have known her needs. What a dear friend you have been to her!!!

meghann said...

PRAISE GOD!!!! these women are such servant's!!!!!that is a HUGE undertaking to pump more for lori's babies!!! i am not surprised though coming from those ladies:) and yes...thank you lindsay for caring for lori so well!!!! i will also be praying for your girlies and there ears!