Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Big Week!

Big week this week.  Jordan has his MRI tomorrow.  Please be praying that God has healed him and there will be NOTHING to see!
It's tomorrow afternoon at 4.  It is in the surgeons office and it's supposed to be a really high quality one.  From my understanding they will tell Jordan and Jessie the results right after they do the MRI.  If they see something, then he will have the biopsy on Friday.  I will update as soon as I know more. www.caringbridge.org/visit/jordanbanks

And Jessie Childress has her surgery on Thursday. She is having a cleft palate repair, ear tubes put in, and her feeding tube replaced. The tube replacement is the same surgery she had the first time that almost took her life.  As you can imagine, Joe and Lori could use your prayers that God will calm their hearts and give them peace. Please be in prayer that it will go well. That Jessie will adjust quickly to life after surgery and that she will be able to eat.  Her caringbridge site is www.caringbridge.org/visit/faithofachild 

The picture above is of our family's HOPE bracelets.

Happy Birthday Mimi

Our Beloved Mimi turned 80 today!!  God has given us quite a gift in this woman!
It was a delight to celebrate her birthday as a family and just spend time together.  That is what she wanted:)  Here we are singing to her.
She got them all in one swoop!  Still got it going on:)
Mimi and Chelsea and April-my cousins, then my girls and Maddie and Bridgett, our third cousins.

  Mimi we praise God for you.  Your gentle and meek spirit spurs me on!  Thank you for how you desire to care for my girls and Tristen and Bella so tenderly.  It is so fun seeing how much you enjoy watching them.  
   I love spending time with you and hearing about how you raised 5 kids and loved Grandy so much. Your example is humbling.  Thank you for truly valuing what is important to God instead of material things.  And thank you for the way you give to and serve others.  You amaze me!

           LOVE YOU!

40 Days for Life- day 4

Today's prayer request is: For the exploitation of women by abortion

Tomorrow's is: For the silence of your people
  I think this means that we are to pray that people would stand up and speak out about God's heart for abortion.

Friends, God is working! Each day I get a report of what is going on during the 40 days for life.  So far, I think 48 babies have been saved!!!!  That is great!!
  AND there were three employees at the LaTrobe clinic that have indicated they want to find new employment!!!  That is soooooooo cool!  Please pray for them to follow through and get out of that death hole!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

40 Days for Life- day 4

Ahem, well the day is almost over but the prayer for today is: for the silent screams of God's children.
  Now I hesitated to post that because it sounds so harsh.  But you know what?  It is what it is. God's children are being murdered.

Tomorrow's request: For the killing of God's future disciples. 
 Never really thought of it like that.  But it's so true. 

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Gracie Girl is Dancing!

There is an 8 week little dance class at church and Gracie is participating:)  Ms. Janelle is her teacher and she does a great job.  They do stretching, have a devotion time, and they learned a little dance this week.

Devotion time

"Be careful little eyes what you see, Be careful little ears what you hear, For your Father up above is looking down in Love, So be careful little eyes what you see." That was the song they learned their dance to.

Pipes is too young this time around.  But she watched intently:)

40 Days for Life- day 4

Found my papers!  So here are the first 4 days' prayers:

They ask that we pray for these things everyday:

1. For the conversion of hearts of all abortionists, abortion providers, all employees, anyone involved in Planned parenthood and anyone else who has to do with abortion or supports it in any way whatsoever, even inadvertently.

2. For the closing of all abortion facilities.  May abortion cease and desist anywhere and everywhere, including hospitals and gynecologists offices, due to the conversion of hearts.

3. For the conversion of hearts of all who are planning to have abortions, either surgical or chemical; for all who are planning to perform abortions, and for all who are planning to participate in abortion in any way, including through support or pressure.

4. For the November election, may the outcome be that which is in accord with God's will, and which best serves the eternal and temporal interests of all His children. 

Then here are the daily requests: 

  The first 10 days focus on prayers for God's mercy:

Day 1- For every sin against life

Day 2- For the sin of abortion

Day 3- For the daily killing of innocent babies

Day 4- (today) For the bloodshed throughout our land

Thank you to all of you who will pray for this!

Friday, September 26, 2008

40 Days for Life

Yesterday Cindy and i participated in the 40 Days for Life campaign that is being held all over the country at abortion clinics, better called killing centers. The goal of the campaign is to have people praying and fasting, holding vigil, to ask God for help and mercy to end abortion.  Each day there is a specific prayer request.  I am going to find my paper and try to start posting the daily request.  Yesterday it was to pray for the sin of abortion.
This guy, Chris goes out to the LaTrobe clinic EVERY DAY of the week!!  Did you hear me???  This man is intervening for the lives of babies 6 days a week.  He told me he comes to this clinic 5 days and then on Sat, another ministry goes to the LaTrobe clinic, so he goes to another one down the street.  Wow!  He is passionate about the unborn.  I am so grateful for him.
In the picture above he is stopping a lady and her friend who are coming in for an abortion.  He gave them some material and they pulled in to the parking lot anyway:(  They sat in their car for a few minutes, which we prayed and prayed during that, then they went on in.  We tried to get them not to, but it is a dark dark place friends.  Satan is definitely there.  You can feel it.

Many people bring signs.  The one days "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. God"
The one in the background is a baby at 10 weeks old that was aborted.  Ya'll it has all it's parts, even a tongue.  Hard to look at, but that is the harsh reality.
To the right of Cindy, through the trees is where the killing center is.  We aren't allowed past the sidewalk.  So they have to yell to the women if they can't get them to stop their cars. Literally, you are standing in the line between life and death.
This is the LaTrobe clinic.  This is the largest abortion mill in Charlotte.  Unfortunately, there are two other ones as well. We estimated that 15 babies were killed while we were there:(  15!! That just breaks my heart.  See these cars, pray for the people that drive them-they brought someone in to kill a life.
See the beat up blue honda to the far right.  This guy was none to happy with us.  He said we were terrible and he couldn't believe we were doing this.  We should be ashamed.  Wow!  All the while his girlfriend/wife is inside getting rid of his child.  Then he proceeds to park his car right where the trees are, where we try to appeal to the women one last time, and plays this really loud, nasty music.  A part that he kept playing was a rap song where the guy sang "I wish my mom had had an abortion."  Oh it is gut wrenching.  Please pray.
And please know, many of the cars in the lot had significant others waiting in them with CHILDREN inside.  Yes, many of the women who seek abortions have kids already!  These people are desperate, they need HOPE.  But God is their only hope, not abortion!  And that is why I went.  I want to share with these women and men the hope of the Lord.  Nothing else will deliver!  Not abortion, not anything but God himself!  They need to know that God's heart is NOT to abort.  He is grieved each and every time a baby is taken from a mother's womb because it's unwanted.
This time I was only there to pray.  I've never been before.  I wish I never had to go again.  But I know that this issue is precious to God and so we must, I must go until abortion ends!
You may be thinking..."I couldn't do this." Well I thought the same thing and so did Cindy.  But then you realize that God is in it.  He wants us to have a voice for the unborn.  We are needed!  YOU are needed! You don't have to stop women, you can just pray.  It's ALL important.
And yes, women do change their minds as a result of the pro-lifers standing in the gap.  Of course only God changes hearts, but we are there to be his vessels.  And when they do change their minds, they are helped!  Someone follows up with them, they are shown the love of Christ in numerous ways. One huge way is through a baby shower that a friend Sheryl throws.  It is incredible what they get! Clothes and toys and baby equipment until the child is two!!
We can't sweep this under the rug Christian friends!  Please go out and pray during the 40 Days for Life.  I will take you!  Cindy will take you.  It's only an hour and I promise you will be so glad you went.

Thank you sooooo much Cindy for taking me yesterday.  And most of all for you passion for the unborn and your desire to see abortion ended.  Thank you for looking your reservations about going straight in the eye and surrendering them to the Lord.  He is using you mightily!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Gracie and Piper at school

Finally I am updating about Classical Co-op....Gracie is signing the Declaration of Independence
This is the work they cover each week.  It's a lot!! History, Math, English, Latin, Science, and Geography.
This is Cathy, Gracie's tutor:)  She is great!!
Smiles while doing geography:)
I can't go in Piper's class and take pictures.  She gets really sad when she sees me.  But they do a great job in there.  They have craft time, they learn about a story in the Bible, they play outside, and Pipe's favorite-they snack!

Update Again

Here you go sweet friends who have asked about my health:)

Well there isn't really much to update yet.  It's been a week since the first treatment and I had another one on Monday for the fertility drugs I took.  I haven't had any headaches, except for one on  Monday, after the treatment.  That's usually a good sign.  When they make you feel like pooh that means they did something!

  I cleared for the progesterone!  That means I passed the treatment that I took last week. 

  So right now it's a wait and see kind of thing. Going one week without a headache isn't enough to declare "all clear."  But I am grateful for it:) And I hope there are many more of these weeks to come!

 I went to Physical therapy with my headache diary and they couldn't see much.  So I am doing another diary this week.

  Thank you all so very much for your love and care for me.  I could never thank you enough!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008


Hey All,
  I would appreciate your prayers once again:)  This time for me.  I had an allergy elimination treatment today for my migraines. (This is from my naturopathic guy in Gastonia.)  It was a treatment for hormones.  I have one more treatment to go and then we are pretty much at the end of our rope.
  So please pray that this treatment I received today will cure these stinkin migraines!!
  The results should be pretty immediate if it took.  If not I will repeat it again next week.
  Then the very last vials are from the fertility drugs I took to get pregnant both times.  I will do that next week and then I will be done with what they have up their sleeve.

  While it would be quite discouraging for these NAETs not to work, I know God is in control and He will work this for my good.  He is calling me to persevere and trust Him right now.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Buddy!

Happy 32nd Birthday Jeremy!  Your girls and I are so grateful to celebrate this special day with you!  You mean so much to us.When we longed for children of our own and throughout my pregnancy with Gracie, I had high hopes of the Dad you would be.  But boy did you exceed any expectations I had!  You are an incredible Dad, my love.  The best I've ever seen!

I love these two pictures, the first time you held each of your girls in your arms.  The twinkle in your eye, the tear on your cheek, the smile on your face.  They just warm my heart. Memories flood my mind of those precious moments meeting each of them.  What would life be like as God grew our family?  How would we care for them?
You have cared for them (and me!) so very well.  Your parenting is one of the things I most admire and respect about you.  Your girls adore you!  It's always an adjustment on Monday morning when the girls wake up and realize you are at work.  They are so sad.  And they eagerly anticipate hearing your tires on the gravel and Reilly's bark, telling them that you are home.  

You are so gentle with the girls.  Where I am weak in parenting (which is most areas) you are so strong.  Being patient and gentle are two of those areas. I can't thank you enough for the way you train the girls.  "A soft answer turns away wrath." You do this so well. Rarely do you raise your voice with the girls. And they respond to this so much better! You are stern with them yet show them much mercy. You are so patient with them when they are learning how to obey and you are patient even when they are being turkeys:)

I love how you look at them. How you want to put them to bed so you can pay with them and just talk and hear about their day. I love how you encourage them to do their best and obey.  I love how you hold them and let them know how much you care for them.  I love how you let them "work" with you out back.  I hope you know how much they treasure that time with you!  They look forward to it all week.
Thank you for blessing us in so many ways!  For date nights with me, dates with the girls, family times, flowers you bring home.  The girls notice all of these things babe.  They can't go by the waffle house without talking about dates with Daddy there.  Or by Bruester's without talking about jammy runs.  What a legacy you are making for these sweet little ones.
I thank God for you Buddy!  Today and everyday:)  You are a dear husband and father.  You are the icing on my cake, the cream in my coffee, the cherry on my sundae....I love you!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008


This cool little post below is from a website called Wordle.  You can go on there and enter your blog url and it takes the words you use most and turns it into a collage like this!  You can play with the colors and everything.
  I couldn't get it any bigger or figure out how to write in the same post without it looking weird.  Help anyone?

  I look forward to seeing your cool collages:)
 If you click on the collage it will enlarge it so you can see what it says.  It's sooooo neat!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I have been reading the book "The Fruitful Life" by Jerry Bridges with my devotions.  It has been a great book! One day this week I read the chapter on joy.  It was so helpful for me that I had to go back to it today and soak up some more.  Here is what I have so far...
   Romans 14:17 "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."

  John 10:10 "I came that they may have life, and have it to the full." God came so that our lives might be full of joy!
  Mr Bridges says, "The fact is, only Christians have a reason to be joyful, but it is also a fact that every Christian should be joyful."
  Hmmm. I never thought of it that way.  That's right!  Only Christians have a reason to be joyful because we have a Saviour who died for us!

  Then Mr Bridges says, "We are not to sit around waiting for our circumstances to make us joyful, we are commanded to be joyful always." Paul says, "I will say it again:Rejoice!" Yet if we are honest, most of us must admit that life is so often anything but joyful.  It often seems that at best life is dull, and at worst it is filled with anxiety, conflict, and tension.  What is it that blocks joy in our lives?"

  The Stumbling Blocks:
1. Sin in our lives or sinful attitudes in our hearts. Christian joy is essentially the enjoyment of God, the fruit of communion with Him. Our sin breaks that communion.

2. Misplaced confidence.  Putting our confidence in ourselves instead of in the Lord.  Confidence in our personal disciplines, our job, etc...  Our confidence must be in the Lord and in the fact that our names are written in Heaven forever! "The circumstances of this life rise and fall, but the assurance of being with Christ one day never changes.  It is in this fact that our joy must be grounded."
   I need to remind myself of this often. Gees I am so self-reliant!

3. The chastening or discipline that God often administers to His children.
  John Sanderson, "If we only knew how bad we are, we would welcome chastening because this is God's way of getting rid of sin and its habits.  But chastening is resented because we cannot believe that we have done anything worthy of it."
  Yes how incredibly prideful I am!  To think that I couldn't possibly need discipline.  Or please don't let it hurt Lord.
  But God disciplines those he loves!

4. Experiencing trials of faith is a fourth hindrance to joy.
  The purpose of trials is to exercise our faith.  He allows them to develop perseverance in us and cause us to fix our hopes on the glory that is yet to be revealed. "Our faith and perseverance can only grow under the pain of trial."  
  That is so true!  I see this for me with health trials.  I must lean on the Lord to provide for me and my family.  I am grateful for what God has taught me through the medical trials. I must persevere.  I must trust that God has my best at heart.  And now with Jordan, all the more these things apply.
  "Frequently our reaction to trial is like Job's.  At the beginning of his testing he reacted positively...but as time wore on and the trials, aggravated by the false accusations of his friends, continued, Job's faith and patience gave out.  But though Job's faith wore out, God's faithfulness did not. He stayed with Job until Job had learned the lesson of God's sovereignty, and then He gave Job twice as much as he had before.

  There's so much to rob me of joy if I entertain it.  I am so selfish and inward focused.  If I only had salvation in God, that is enough to be constantly joyful!  Yet He has given me even more than that in his kindness.  I deserve none if it!  Zero! Zilch!

  More tomorrow on the stepping stones to joy...

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Be sure to go over to caringbridge and read the two updates from today.  God moved today!

Classical Conversations

This is one of those posts that I should have written about three weeks ago!

 Anyway, we started school around here! As most of you know, we have chosen to homeschool the girls.  So we started going to a co-op called Classical Conversations.  We go once a week for the morning to learn in a classroom setting.  It is great!!  Gracie is called an Abecedarian and Piper is doing the little preschool.  Each class has a tutor that walks them through all the material.  They learn songs and play games to help them memorize the material.  Then at home I just help Gracie learn what she was taught that week and we review the past weeks.

  The curriculum is  memory based.  The motto of classical conversations is to "Know God and make Him Known."  Amen!  Children have an amazing capacity to memorize.  I can't believe how well Gracie has already done!

 You may be asking why I started school this year since Gracie is only 4 and a half.  Well, a lot of the reason is for Mommy:)  I thought it would be good for me to get some structure established with the girls.  We are taking it quite lightly, school that is.  We don't do it everyday.  And we thought it would be good for the girls to get some learning time with other kids.  It has been great!  We LOVE it!  After the first day Piper said "Mommy, I had fun.  I'm not going to cry anymore."

  Now if you know my little Gracie:)  She has been true to form.  The first week she was less than excited once we got there.  She didn't participate too much.  The second week she participated a little more but still didn't want to do her presentation at the end of class. (Each week they present something to the class- like a family picture).  So this third week she participated pretty much the whole time.  Then, then!  at the end they were reviewing their memory work from the past weeks and she asked if she could sing the song herself!! And she did it!!  "In 1492, Columbus made the first of 4 trips, to the Caribbean on three spanish ships, the Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria."  Way to go Gracie!!  Then she wouldn't do her presentation.  That's my girl:)

  I can't say enough good things about this curriculum!  We are really enjoying it.  I am also enjoying schooling Gracie at home.  It has been really fun watching her learn.  And she is really into it:)  That makes it so much sweeter!  And of course Pipes does school too:)

  I don't have any pictures yet.  I took some with my phone but I can't get them to load onto my computer.

  So, that's what we've been up to.


How about them Pirates!!!  Go boys!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


 The Purple Haze
I wanted to give this lady a little heck about this shirt.  She turned around and the front says Daughter VT, Mom ECU.  So then I let her off the hook.  But she told the only other Hokie fan near us that she wasn't feeling it for the Hokies that day.  So then I knew us pirates were going to be just fine:)  And of course we all high fived when they did something great.
Let's Go Pirates.....Let's Go Pirates.....
  Ooooohhhh, so fun to be there!!
Let's Go boys!!! First play...
  Buddy and I:)
  Petey the Pirate (Which is why our first dog's name was Petey:))

It's time for a happy post around here!

 Some of you may not know that I really like sports.  Especially Pirate football!!  Jeremy and I are ECU alumni.  Oh the memories of going to the football games and cheering on our pirates!  Tailgating, wearing that purple and gold, singing the fight songs, the list goes on and on.

Since we left Greenville I have asked every year to go to a game. But it's far away, about 4 hrs to our beloved alma mater.  Well, the pirates came to Charlotte last weekend to play VT.  And Jeremy surprised me!!  It was SO much fun to be there!  Seeing the purple haze when the boys come on the field.  Seeing all the purple and gold.  Being with the rowdy Pirate fans.  Oooohhhh it's just great! 

I had quite the sore throat after that game!  We were on our feet cheering for the whole thing.  It was a great game, always sweeter when you win:)  The Pirates pulled it out 22 to 27 at the end.  True Pirate style.  Keeps it interesting:)

Buddy, thank you sooooo much for taking me to the game!  I had a ball hanging out with you and giving high fives when our boys did something exciting!  Can't wait to take the girls:)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Jordan has a caringbridge site up and running.  It's just in the early stages but there is an update there. 
 He will be having another MRI on Oct 1st and then the biopsy on the 3rd.  Now the 3rd is my birthday, so I am praying for the best birthday present ever- a healed Jordan! That there will be no need for the biopsy.

I hope to get some fun posts up tonight!


This is from Jordan's mom, written like a true nurse.  So neatly organized:)

Dear Friends and Family,

Jordan's consultation happened yesterday:  The tumor they found is more than likely malignant.  He will have a definitive answer after biopsy.  Fortunately, Jordan's neurosurgeon is the best in the southeast, but unfortunately he is involved in speaking for a national convention over the next two weeks and won't be available to do the biopsy until the end of the month.  Because the tumor is low grade (slow-growing) and Jordan's seizures are under control we opted to wait for Dr. Ashton instead of  having another doctor do the biopsy.

Treatment after biopsy:  chemo and possible radiation without surgery as this glioma's growth has finger-like elements that are growing into the brain tissue.  The location of the tumor is in the part of the brain that is responsible for movement on one side of the body.  Surgical excision is probably too risky.

What this means:  At this point, Jordan cannot be left alone, he cannot drive and he cannot continue working his current job as it requires him to drive and cannot have anyone drive him d/t the confidential nature of his job.  Jordan is my athlete and fitness/sports/and physical activity have always been a huge part of his life (his plans are to coach track and basketball as well as teach history).  He cannot do anything right now that will cause him to overheat or jar this tumor.  He can continue to attend school at least until the biopsy (he has one semester left).  Jessica needs to continue to work, so I need to stay and help out probably for the next three months.  I will need to find temporary employment (night shift) here in Charlotte to help them pay rent and continue to pay my bills.

What to pray for:  As an experienced cancer nurse, I know how important it is to keep a possitive attitude.  So pray for courage and lots of happy moments full of laughter.  Pray that Jordan's frustration with this new sedentary lifestyle will be kept in check.  We can still pray that the tumor is benign despite the probability that it is malignant. Jordan will need an adjustment in his work arrangement so he can continue to work as much as possible.  I need to find work and need to keep my job in Denver so I can return to it when I am no longer needed here.  Pray that Dr. Ashton will be on top of his game when the biopsy is performed.  Pray that treatment will be tolerated well. Pray that we have the optimum outcome after treatment. Pray that God will continue to keep Jordan safe and that treatment will be tolerable.  Continue to pray that Jordan and Jessica and our entire family will experience the presence of God during this time and we will find meaning in this trial. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Please read the post before this one first....

Hello everyone,

I just read the note that Lindsay sent.  Bless her heart.  The information is accurate except that it is possible (I mean POSSIBLE that the tumor is pre-cancerous).  They are not giving them much hope in that, but they are just doctors!  God is the ALMIGHTY and He can do anything!  Jessica told me that they are going to do a MRI several days before the biopsy.  Wouldn't it be something if it was GONE!  Our Lord can do that!!  I don't know if all of you know about the miracle He performed on my dear friend Joy, but HE DID!!  

She also said that Jordan wanted to go back to class at UNCC.  I think he may try that tomorrow.  They have changed his seizure medicine, so pray that he will be able to attend classes.  Jessica is going to try and go back to work tomorrow.  Please pray for these 2 as they try to make sense of all of this.  Whatever the outcome, I know that God is in control.  Please pray for all of us as we struggle to understand.  I love you all!

Their address is:  4220 Sugarstone Lane, Apr. 112, Charlotte NC 28269.  God bless you!


AMEN Aunt Pam!  So awesome they are continuing to live life!  We all will, and we will hope in our Lord!


  It's not good news.  Jordan went to the Dr today and they said the tumor has roots throughout his brain.  This is devastating.  Most likely this means it is cancer, and they haven't given him much hope.  His Dr here wants the best brain surgeon in the country to do his biopsy.  He can't do it for two weeks but they said that wouldn't matter because the tumor is very slow growing.
  I don't know much yet, we are all so heartbroken, it's hard to get words out.  Most likely after the biopsy Jordan will start chemo.  This tumor can't be removed because of all the roots as far as I know.
  Jordan and Jessica are obviously, well what do you even say???  They just got married a year ago.  They do everything together!  They are exhausted.  Jess can't sleep at night for fear that he is going to have another seizure.  Now this.
  Please pray for peace and rest for them and all of us.  Pray for a miracle!!!  We don't know yet that it is definitely cancer but the Dr is pretty convinced it is.  
  More later.
  I do know we serve a God who has allowed this for our good and His glory.  And we can hope in that.
 Jordan and Jess are both believers.  Praise God.