Tuesday, December 21, 2010

O Christmas Tree

Typically we get our tree the weekend after Thanksgiving.  We can hardly wait to get it up and decorated!  But since we went to Disney this year, we had to wait.  It was hard, but worth it.  As soon as we got home, we went and got it!  The past two years we have gone to a  little tree farm in Denver.  It's owned by family friends.  I grew up playing at their house.

Our first sight was this baby calf, just born!  Look at that mama standing already:)  

 I usually pick pretty quickly.  I walked it a couple of times this year though.

My man measuring the tree to make sure it would fit.

Yep, it's perfect!
 Tracie, what a dear friend.  This girl gets so very excited about getting her tree.  There was no way I was going to ask her to wait on us.  But she insisted.

Here she is making one of the hardest decisions she has to make all year:)  Which one, oh which one???
She's really happy with the one she picked:)  She says it's a perfect tree.

Here's the cute little barn there. Free cider and beautiful wreaths are inside.

They have huge hay bales for the kids to climb

Here's J carrying our tree off!

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