Monday, October 20, 2008

40 Days for Life

Here are the next few days' prayers:

  10/20  For courage and perseverance in the pro-life work
  10/21   For those who suffer ridicule and rejection for their stand for life
  10/22  For those imprisoned for defending life
  10/23  For those who have been injured and mistreated defending life

  The total number of babies saved as of today is 306!!!!  Praise the Lord!  And there are reports all over the country of clinics only doing 50% of their normal business volume.  Glory to God!


Anonymous said...

Those numbers are so exciting and each one represents a family that was not torn apart by abortion, a woman that lives without the regret, and a baby that is loved by her earthly parents as God intends.

I'm in awe of how The Holy Spirit convicts. Recently, some of the vigil abortion save comments have been like this, "When I saw the lady praying, I knew I couldn't abort my baby." How powerful the Holy Spirit is to bring conviction simply at the sight of someone praying!
Thanks for the update Lindsay!

michelle said...

That is fantastic - very encouraging and motivational to perservere in prayer - He is gracious and merciful!! Oh, I hope the abortion doctors/nurses/administrators would know that it wasn't the people that are upsetting their business, but it is GOD - I hope they know who they are dealing with!!! :)