Monday, October 13, 2008


Here is the update:)

Jordan and Jessie met with the neurologist this morning for 2 hours! I forgot to get the Dr’s names so I am going to use “N” for neurologist.  I will get them soon so we can pray for them specifically.

Anyway, Jordan has a precancerous glioma.  It is not malignant!!  It will become malignant if not treated. It is in the motor center of his brain from what I understand.  So complications like his left leg going numb are possibilities.  But hopefully they will be minimized with treatment.  There is also a “root” (part of the tumor) close to his left eye.  This could make him go blind in that eye if not treated.

The tumor is spread throughout his brain, a little more than they first thought.  And it is growing, but slowly.

He will have some test results Wednesday. There is a new test that they can do to see how well you will respond to radiation (praise the Lord).  If you DO NOT have the 1st and 19th chromosomes, then you are more likely to respond to the radiation.  If you DO  have the choromosomes, then aren’t as likely to respond well, but they will still try it.  They would probably add chemo to it as well if he has the chromosomes.

There are lots of Dr appointments coming up and lots of consults with numerous Doctors so that Jordan can get the best care.  The “N” is going to share Jordan’s case with a board of doctors so he can get input.  There are doctors all over the country that can be helpful here.  What a blessing!! To top it off, the “N” said there are several excellent doctors right here at Carolina’s Medical Center.  Praise the Lord again!

If you are wondering about surgery, the “N” said that surgery would not get all of the tumor so he doesn’t recommend it.  Not worth the risk.

Tomorrow Jordan has an oncology visit.  I will update when we hear more about that. 

The “N” said Jordan could work out again.  You guys know how important this is to them:)

So, how can you pray?

That Jordan does not have the chormosomes.

Wisdom for all the doctors who are going to care for Jordan

For Jordan and Jessie’s marriage.  That God would strengthen them as they help each other through this.

For the oncology visit tomorrow.

For all the family who are traveling to see Jordan and Jessie. And for their time with each and every family member to be fruitful and encouraging.

That the side effects for treatment will be minimal

That the tumor is cured due to the treatment

That God gives Jordan strength and grace to handle all that is going on

For Jessie especially- that God gives her peace and grace, and help as she cares for Jordan 

 For Pam and Sue and Bill and Dave as they watch their children go through this.  That they can place them in God’s hands and trust their Savior to care for them.

For wisdom as Jordan and Jessie do research on the different options for care.

Most of all- that God is glorified!!!!


Our family can’t thank you all enough for the way you love and care for us.  Wow just being on your knees before the Lord has given us so much hope. Look at how God has provided already.  There are so many praises even today.  We are so very appreciative for you!



1 comment:

michelle said...

Praise God! That is good news, so far. Will continue to pray.