Tuesday, December 28, 2010


SNOW! On Christmas!  It hasn't happened in my lifetime, nor my parent's lifetime!

We got about 3 1/2 inches here in Huntersville.  It was beautiful.  I love it when it snows.  My whole family loves it:)  Everything slows down, there's tons of fun to be had, and we get more time with Daddy.

We were slow getting out the door the day after Christmas but once we finally got out, our buddies were ready to play!

Jeremy took the kids around and around on the sled pulled by the John Deere...

 Even Reese took a ride, with sweet Madison:)

Come on ride the train...

 Reilly loves the snow too!

The next day we went out for sledding
 There's is lots of grass showing but it was still good sledding because it was icy and packed down

 Gramma ran defense at the creek

It indeed was a JOY to get snow this Christmas!

1 comment:

3orange1blonde said...

the picture of the sun with the artifacts!! Are you kidding me? what lens did you use for these? ABSOLUTELY wonderful!!! woo hoo!!!